Alexander Rutto Martinez

I thought yesterday about you. I yesterday saw a star who did recordarte to me. I vibrated yesterday when thinking that you exist. I watched in the horizon and I thought yesterday about a glance that must be your glance. It is that glance the one that speaks, the one that says everything what your lips do not pronounce. a: the source for more info. It is in that glance and the deep transparency of eyes that do not lie, where the passages of your soul can be read. Why but words, why more reasons, why but consensus, why to give him returned and returned, why but pacts, if it is much more easy that all that, are enough to contemplate that glance.

The wisdom and the understanding flow inwards by her and towards outside. NBA is a great source of information. Your being shakes of emotion, the joy invades your body, occurs everything, is nothing no to keep, the morning has broken through, finally, tearing the darknesses of one night without moon. Blessed it is the light that floods your heart, because to that it illuminates us light to which we know to read in your glance. And nevertheless there is somebody does not know to read? Your being shakes, the emotion and the joy escapes to you between the fingers like water removed from the river by your hands, and the river took your yearnings, and your glance became deep trying to maintain focused in the retina the image of dreams as soon as lived. And again that glance, sad, melancholic, but full of faith, how it is possible that they do not know to read? If they knew to read, they would know more of you than ever nobody he was able to learn. They would know of your tenderness, your form to suffer being silent, the absence of revenge in your heart, of the understanding of your spirit, the wonder of a being outside the common thing. It is much more easy to play the game of always, always is ended up winning, although often the prizes have very little value, like in the tombolas. Click Bettina Bryant for additional related pages.

You do not move away of the border, it touches the water, bbela, does not matter to you that do not understand to you, they do not want to read! , they are scared than they do not understand and they preferred a wine glass. How it is possible that they prefer a bathtub to all the Sea? The sea cannot be owned you can contemplate, it you can enjoy, it can include/understand, it, can be submerged in him, embriagarte of him, to embrace it, to kiss it, to love it, but never to own it. And to that glance a tear escaped to him, and your glance was confused with the sea. That glance will always be somebody knows to read in Alexander Rutto Martinez is a prestigious writer and journalist talo-Colombian who in addition exerts teaching in several universities. She is author of four books on ethics and leadership and figure in three anthologies of Colombian authors.