RIO DE JANEIRO, did not hesitate in investing in such technologies. Omunicpio, that it possesss around 23.000 inhabitants, all counts on one estratgicosistema SHSW, integrating the city in an only net, surpassing osproblemas geographic of the region. In the agricultural areas, the technological solution was atransmisso saw radio waves, with the installation of antennas in the maisaltos and strategical points. Word-key: Tecnologiade Information, Telecommunication, InclusoDigital. 1 – Pira INTRODUCTION, city of the interior of Rio De Janeiro, celebrity for the production of eMacadmia Tilpia; now, celebrity for the technological investment. Pioneer in the process digital deincluso,> Pira adopted a proposal where all could usufruct dasnovas technologies of communication and information, guaranteeing access the tecnologiadigital to all population, as well as its administrative net and empresasinstaladas in the city. The small city of Pira approximately bes situated in the doEstado interior of Rio De Janeiro the 80 kilometers of the capital, possuicerca of 23 a thousand inhabitants and was pioneering in its State in the implementation of proper fiber umainfra-structure optics for transmission of data in altavelocidade and has all supported the technologies without wire in the city, anticipating emsete years the foreseen one in the program of the National Agency of Telecommunications, to deestender the access to the communication in high speed to all the municpiosbrasileiros. (Sadao, pg.21, 2005) Oprojeto, known as Digital Pira, consists of a system SHSW, making possible access the Internet with ample net of semfio transmission of voice and data.
For agricultural area, 20% of the total population of Pirai, the solution tecnolgicafoi transmission saw radio waves, with the installation of antennas in the high and strategical pontosmais. 2 – SYSTEM SHSW Sistemahbrido with Wireless1 support. Modernode is a communication system high speed and low cost, surpassing the geographic problem of the region (Pira places in the Region of the Paraba Medium with separate districts for valleys emontanhas).