What already aid very. It also fits to the professional of the education to look for to perfect itself acquiring, at least the basic knowledge of computer science. The importance of the use of computer science in the education already is unquestioned. Since the computer ally the Internet is the girl of adolescent the young eyes of our e. However, we need to be intent to this information, therefore the majority of this young adolescent looks the Internet with only one objective, sites of relationship.
Orkut and MSN are looked. It is not that they must be discarded. Today already some metodolgicas possibilities exist to work, for example, with the Orkut in the perspective of if reaching some educational objectives. But this must be an activity very planned, attended well and with specific objectives. The use of the computer/Internet provides different types of education boardings that can be carried through through innumerable developed programs to assist the process teach-learning. We can detach among them, the games, the simulators, blogs, emails, wikis, chats, among others. Beyond these they exist innumerable softwares free that easily they are found in the Internet and that they are of great utility in the development of educative activities.
As example, I cite the Hagqu, that is a program for creation of histories in quadrinhos that the garotada one adores. Programs and tips for the use of computer science in the education could be hours elencando, but at the moment I go to abide the possible advantages of the use of computer science in the school. I say possible because it fits to each pertaining to school community to create its proper environment and of it to extract its advantages. A first advantage that I see is the provocation of changes in the pertaining to school education. As already it said, the school has that if to adjust to the technological reality contrary case, it will fall in a decay in an inversely proportional direction to the technological advance.