Instigante this search desvairada for the freedom, therefore we finish prisoners only in the search, whereas the verborrgica exposition of this anguish does not have borders has imagination to reach the writing with freedom fury! The individual that says to be social runs away from the environments that give access to knowledge they extend the culture; the young had lost the skill to deal with books, the adults also want to follow the modismos and if they risk in ‘ ‘ it copies and cole’ ‘ of the Internet. The medias more used by the population leave the people without critical sense becoming mere repeaters of what they hear incessantly. The vocabulary for the writing is the same of the informal colloquies of the taverns and shoppings (local where the majority of the adolescents and its tribes if find), and, the reading reading? Ah! It goes badly! much forgotten and neglected in detriment them famous and conglomerated social nets. In a said society of the information and innovation development and reflection on some values and habits must coexist (specifically the habit of the reading) that they can until finding ridicule or dmod, but that they are healthful and they collaborate sufficiently to improve the rhetoric, to extend the vocabulary and to facilitate the grafia in the productions of texts. Of pra to be an intellectual and life antenado with softwares of last generation, what of it is not to continue with the minds imprisoned for the traps of the words of the proper writing.