Trainees receive some time redeem its own training course against a company in another country grants for stays abroad about the project “Fit for the country” and thereby gain important experience for the job for two Schleswig-Holstein trainees this was possible at the beginning of the year. The two budding hotel professionals Lisa Gospodinow and Sebastian Kiy were with the project fit for the foreign”Schleswig-Holstein Business Academy for several weeks in Vienna. Hear other arguments on the topic with Petra Diamonds. In the Austrian capital could prove themselves not only in a foreign work environment, they learn too much. “To say hello to God” or take “Sebastian Kiy was reminded at the latest when the morning greeting, that his new replacement work is no longer on the sea but on the edge of the Alps. And not only the new salutation fell on the 22-year – in the framework of its Exchange, he compared the Austrian way of working in a project with the German. Total is in Vienna more cozier worked,”notes the Sylt.
He himself was the best advertisement for North German industriousness. And so got the future Hotel specialist, completed his training in the Fahrhaus Munkmarsch on Sylt, for its functioning dedicated too much praise of the Austrian hotel management. “After four weeks in Austria Kamau is sure: this was the best project of my life”. Also Lisa Gospodinow has met throughout different areas of their internship hotels in more than 1000 km from Vienna. I got inside a taste of purchasing, costing and housekeeping”, reported the 23 year old Lutjenburgerin. The two young people were supported in preparation for the alien by mobility consultants of the Business Academy.
You were, for example, contacts with the Austrian company and clarified the necessary formalities there. Gospodinow, the high in-house Wacht”learns, raves: the organisation was sharp and I have many new and exciting activities in Vienna at Hotel met.” Who would dare as the two professionals of the hotel overlooking the edge of the plate, can apply even at short notice for one of 15 scholarship courses. Through funding from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the fact the advice and on-site support for businesses and Auzubildenden is free of charge. More information is at the mobility consultants of Academy of economic Sibille Fuhrken (Tel. (0 48 21) 77 02-514, E-Mail) and Stephan Jung (Tel. (04 31) 30 16 146, email) and to get on the Internet at.