The visual interpretation of image the vetorizao of the mapeadas classrooms had been also carried through in software SPRING 5.0. RESULTS AND QUARRELS the result of the classification pointed 4 classrooms with respect to the year of 1965 (kills, cattle, urban area and aboriginal land) and 5 for the year of 2000, therefore beyond the four classrooms mapeadas in 1965 temporary lagoon was identified in 2000 the classroom. Figure 01 shows to the evolution of the transformations of the use of the land and vegetal covering throughout 35 years. The bush area is distinguished for presenting the biggest transformation related practises it of the deforestation and substitution of the native vegetation for pasture. In 1965 the bush area occupied 9991,2 hectares, what correonde 88.02% of the total area of the basin of the stream Joo Days. In 2000 a 54,4% reduction is noticed, what it represents only 33.8%. The busy classroom for cattle indicated an evolution opposes of the bush with a very expresivo increase in elapsing of the 35 analyzed years. In 1965 the cattle one was developed in only 3.5% of the area, increasing stops 54.2%, configuring an addition of 50,7% of the previously busy extension for this category of use.
The mapeada urban area mentions portion to it west besieges of it urban of Aquidauana. The transformation noticed in this classroom is marked by an increase of 3% in the direction the northwest of the same one. The aboriginal land expressed when comparative significant increase little the too much classrooms. In 1965 the oupada area was of 3,1% and in 2000 it passes to 3,7%, indicating small transformations in entorno of the village Green Lemon. Figure 01 – Evolution of the use of the land and vegetal covering figure 02 represents the espacilizao of the four classrooms mapeadas for the year of 1965. A domain of the vegetal covering in relation is notable the other classrooms, over all in the areas of the springs of all hidrogrfica basin, what he contributes very in significant way with the maintenance of the ecological stability of this environment.