In the middle of 1996, Vivianne Blanlot, executive director of the National Commission of Environment (CONAMA) . .no reached to sign. officially the Technical Report of Qualification of the Ralco power station, elaborated by a Revisory Committee of 19 services public of the Government, who during months had studied the evaluation of environmental impact given by ENDESA. The report was categorical: the deficiencies of the Study of Environmental impact are translated not even in which the project does not become position, slightly, of their more excellent effects what implies that the approval requirements are not fulfilled Therefore, the Revisory Committee recommends the rejection of the project presented/displayed . Nevertheless, finally Ralco was approved by CONAMA and Blanlot.
By the days of the controversy, Jorge Rosenblut exerted like undersecretary in the Ministry General Secretariat of the Presidency, on which the CONAMA depends. Time later a food in the Spanish Circle was offered to him. According to the electronic magazine South Contact, would have shared table there nothing less than with Jose Yuraszeck and Ricardo Solari, at that time high leader of the Socialist Party, that next to Jaime Undurraga and other notables they had conformed the group of people in charge to review the program of relocalizacin imposed by ENDESA to pehuenches. Today Rosenblut is seated in the armchair of the president of the directory of Metropolitan Chilectra. Days after the inauguration of Pangue in March of 1997, very worried about the obvious intervention of high civil servants in the approval of Ralco in the CONAMA, the socialist deputy Juan Pablo Letelier, decided, next to other 39 parliamentarians, to mention a special session of the Camera of Deputies to investigate what was happening. Everything is in Anything CHILE THINKS CHILE attention(or attn) phantaleon original Author and source of the article.