Specific: To promote the use efficient of laboratory of computer science of the school through the navigation in virtual sites and links in search of information on the subject ‘ ‘ eleies’ ‘ stimulating to the reading, the research, the reflection and the verbal production and writing on this and other subjects of form to transform the thought and the vocabulary of the pupil; To extend the process of letramento and conscientious citizenship taking the pupil to the magazines printed and electronic stimulating to think it on the events of the reality in constructive a critical perspective/; PUBLIC TO BE INVOLVED: Pupils: 1 Year of Average Ensino, responsible professor for the proposal and pertaining to school community (managers, professors, coordinator, staff of support parents and pupils) MDIAS TO BE USED: Magazines printed and online CHC; Site of the Electoral Superior Court; Video Voter of the Future; Magazine of the virtual Voter; Computer, Internet and Impressora. ACTORS AND PAPERS THAT WILL HAVE TO PLAY: Pupils of 1 Year of Average Ensino. (To make research, debate, to produce texts of several styles and to socialize the productions in orkut.) Responsible professor for the proposal (orientation and accompaniment of all the stages of the process) managing Team (support and development) pertaining to school Community (visiting of orkut..