' ' High protection pedal: To disactivate operation if transform-key, ' ' Programmable with the RS-232. Atualizvel software. WindowsGUI supplied software gratuitously. Optional characteristics ' ' PWMable Estornar has alarmed. ' ' Brake Key for regeneration. ' ' Brake of analogical entrance for the continuous 0 variable regeneration. Specifications ' ' Frequency clock: 16.6kHz. ' ' Current Standby: less than 3 me.
' ' chain supply, PWR, 150me. ' ' Standard Entered Throttle: 0-5K, 5-0K ohms, 0-5 Volts, 5-0 Volts. ' ' Brake and Analogical Entered Throttle: 0-5 Volts. ' ' Reverse has alarmed: controller One is about umequipamento that he will need to be installed in the compartment of on engine and to cabodo pedal of the accelerator. General information Other elements necessary to complete the conversion of the electric vehicle: Ten batteries acid lead of 100 the 12 VCabos for ligaoConectores of bateriInstrumentos of measurement contactorCarregador voltmeter and ampermetroChave of bateriasParafusos and nuts Key on/off important Comment: the batteries are on in series, and must be montadapor a person specialized in electric, the incorrect linking can ocasionardanos to the equipment as well as accident risk, the electric instrumentation doveiculo must be fed by a battery the part of on one to the engine, ainstalao of the batteries must well be distributed similar of if getting umequilbrio between axles. It can be acquired the engine, controller and potentiometer nosEUA for + – U$ 1,900, increased of 60% of taxes of importation on valordos produtos+frete, unhappyly we do not have manufacturers of these components noBrasil, the too much item can be acquired in the domestic market, conversoaparentemente can be with a high value, to put the environment are thankful. Joo Wagner Litzinger