What Is Better – Biofuels Or Bioelectricity ?

Among the alternative clean fuels and biofuels Bioelectricity be called the undisputed leaders, while at first glance, biofuels are a number of advantages for both the car and for the planet. In vehicles that run on biofuels such as ethanol, reduced CO2 emissions. In addition, these fuels can reduce dependence on no matter how tempting nefti.Odnako were prospects with environmental point of view, they lose their apparent attractiveness, taking into account the energy required for production of biofuels, as well as arable land and trimmed for grain. Realizing this, scientists have discovered more effective way of increasing the measure of "mi / acre" of biomass by converting it into electricity, not ethanol. Another point in favor of the electric car. According to specialists, compared to the ethanol used in internal combustion engines, Bioelectricity, used in vehicles equipped with rechargeable batteries capable of providing an average of 80% more mileage at the rate of grain per acre, and in addition, two times lower greenhouse effect, and thus reduce the risk of climate change. The researchers conducted a life cycle analysis as bioelectric technology and technology-based ethanol, taking into account not only energy generated by each of them, but also the energy consumed in the production of cars and topliva.Bioelektrichestvo was the clear winner when comparing the measure of "mileage in miles / acre ', regardless of whether the energy is derived from corn or millet. For example, a small SUV that runs on bioelectricity, was able to go about 14,000 miles on the highway, using the energy obtained from one acre of millet, while compare a car with an internal combustion engine was able to overcome just about 9,000 miles. In addition, Bioelectricity offers great opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions through measures such as uptake and sequestration, which can be applied only to the power of biomass, rather than individual vehicles with internal combustion engine. In general, experts believe that the development of automobiles, running on ethanol or electricity, can be a strategic decision for many countries dependent on oil.