Pain is part of the body’s natural defense mechanism. Pain activates a reaction reflex that tells us that us away the stimulus that causes it. The pain allows us to make adjustments in behavior to avoid that stimulus of pain or painful situation in the future. However, the case of chronic pain or pain that lasts for a long period, often associated with diseases is quite different. Moreover, drugs do not always provide a cure for chronic pain long-term. There are many treatments for pain, but these treatment options are often not for all people. Because of this, it is essential that you understand your pain and use the most appropriate treatment for your case. What are the different types of pain? A kind of pain is also called cutaneous pain or superficial somatic pain.
The lesions on the skin or surface tissue cause this kind of pain. Superficial somatic pain is characterized by a sharp, localized pain that passes quickly. First degree burns and minor injuries are injuries that may produce superficial somatic pain. Check out Dr. Mitchell Resnick for additional information. Then there is a deep somatic pain that originates in the tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, muscles and bones. This type of pain is characterized by a mild, not localized pain that commonly lasts long time. Sprains, aches miofaciales and bone breakage are just examples of injuries that produce a deep somatic pain.
The third type of pain, visceral pain, comes from the bodies and the visceral nociceptors. The pain is inside organs and internal cavities. Due to the scarcity of nociceptors in organs and internal cavities, visceral pain is often demonstrated through more pain and cramps. Also, visceral pain may last much longer than somatic pain. By the same author: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. It can be difficult to locate the source of visceral pain; injuries to visceral tissue can display derived pain, which means that the pain is felt in a localized area that even relates to the place of the actual injury. How you? is there pain? According to the World Health Organization, the three types of pain are included in a scale from mild, moderate or severe pain. The slight pain is characterized by pain that disappears without therapy or to use over-the-counter drugs such as aspirin, acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs nonsteroidal as Aleve, Advil, and Motrin. Moderate pain is characterized by pain that can interfere with your daily routine and can be difficult to ignore it, but disappears with time. It commonly does not reappear once you apply the appropriate treatment. Moderate pain may need stronger drugs. However, the majority of anti-inflammatory drugs not steroids such as ibuprofen have proved as effective as codeine for pain relief. Acute pain or chronic pain are characterized by pain that interrupts any or all daily activities. Acute pain can force you to sit or rest and this pain doesn’t go away by itself alone. It also requires ongoing treatment, which can last for days, weeks, months or even years. According to the World Health Organization, acute pain should be treated with strong opioids, which include fentanyl, the hidrococona, methadone and oxycodone.