ltimamente, a novel treatment known like " reality virtual" it is being used for the phobic treatment. By means of computer, that emulates the situation that puts in check the emotional stability of the patient, exhibits the person so that it can face of a much less drastic way his fear. Also technical of relaxation and breathing they can be of extreme utility to alleviate the symptoms of this disease. SOME FAMOUS CASES the phobias do not know classes nor distinctions sex, race social, religion or nationality. So it is the case of very many personalities historically recognized that suffered of this disease. Brad Pitt has an excessive fear by the sharks; Michael Jackson always covers his face with a mask by his fear to the germs; the director of cinema Stanley Kubrick, Sylvester Stallone, Brushes Willis or the singer of soul Aretha Franklin suffers or suffered of aerofobia, that is to say, fear to fly.
Another one of the frequent cases between famous is the one of the social phobia, that it prevents them to be in events public. In this case, who suffer this type of fear, they cannot control that sensation and they finish lowered by panic attacks. The writers Jorge Luis Borges and Juan Ramon Jimnez have suffered this phobic typology. By Carlos Heads Lopez Connection to the original source: Bibliography: – Araos S., Boris. " Phobia: the sum of all the miedos." Magazine To live More. June 2004 16 MAY 2007. – DSM IV – Fourth edition of MANUAL DIAGN? STICO AND YOU ARE? STICO OF the MENTAL UPHEAVALS, the American Psychiatric Association. ED. MASSON – 1995 original Author and source of the article