Assistance in the selection process, quality and volume generally valid procedure: the procedure determines the use. The labels over a long period must remain legible or there are high demands on the label material (like E.g. chemicals, raintight, or heat resistant)? At large demands on the sticker is a thermal transfer label printer the medium of preference. For the thermal transfer printing, called thermal transfer ribbons, commonly called films, used for the printing of labels. This thermal process the ink particles are transferred from the coated side of the Thermotransferfolie by using heat to the label material.
Wax or resin, or even a combination of these two factors, are the carrier of the color particles and are essential to the strength of the imprint. It is, however, uses, where the readability of the label on a short term is limited and there is alternatively no requirements for the durability of the pressure, is a direct thermal printer. The Thermodirektverfahren requires material that have a heat-resistant coating on the surface. Color particles that are released when the label material under the heated-up dots of through a print head is running can be found in this layer. For example, shipping labels are a typical use for the Thermodirektdruckverfahren. What resolution best fits the desired application print resolution? What resolution do I need the label printer? Simple logistics labels to be printed or it is interwoven nameplates with 2D codes and graphics? The more data and small graphics on the stickers are printed, the print resolution should be greater. Will pressure range as many labels be printed per calendar day? Label printers are usually divided into three types: desktop label printer for up to five hundred labels on the day, midrange label printer for labels up to 3,000 a day and industry or high end label printer for the continuous shift operation with over 5,000 labels a day. In addition to the amount of label, but also the application is crucial. Must be printed with a lot of 700 labels for example, only small address labels on the day, can although a desktop label printer in question of the lot. The format of the label plays a crucial role, industrial printers can labels up to a size of DIN A4 print, desktop label printers are significantly reduced in the mass and allow only a much smaller label width.