The known sources more follow the criteria adopted internationally (as the international methodology of the Organization for the Cooperation and Desenvolvimento Econmico (OCDE) and of the Institute of Statisticians of the European Commission (Eurostat). In these standards, an user is somebody that used the net at least a time in the three previous months the research, varying the population in terms of the considered age. Exactly being difficult to point the amount of users, many aspects of the research carried through in Brazil present practically given equal, how much to the profile of the user, time of access, preferences, habits and main places of access. The research shows a gradual increase of the number of internautas, growth of the importance of the Web in the Brazilian domiciles and between the young public, notadamente between the 16 and 24 years of age. The IBOPE points currently about 42 million users with more than 16 years, in 2008 end.
The Managing Committee of the Internet in Brazil (cgi), even so not yet has divulged the referring research to the year of 2008, showed a total number of about 18 million users in the TIC 2007 domiciles. Already the F/Radar research carried through for the Datafolha Institute in partnership with the agency of F/Nazca propaganda, discloses that the number of Brazilians above of 16 years that have access the Internet arrived the 64,5 million in August of 2008. For this research to be one of most recent, and to present all the necessary data to the bedding of this work, in regards to the profile and access of the young users, as well as being available in the complete one, we go to use it for analysis. The F/Radar research sample that 81% of the Brazilians between 16 and 24 years, about 27 million young, have access the Internet. This represents the majority of internautas Brazilian.