The accused greaters it deforestation are the agriculturists. This is the reinante speech in the urban world. In the truth our ancestor had deforested pra in such a way agriculture how much for the construction of the cities. Or you find that our gorgeous Copacabana or the internationally famous Ipanema was not a great forest when caravelas first had arrived here? This conscience is very recent: not to be able to construct in declivity above of 45 degrees, nor at least of 30 meters of the edges of the rivers, nor in the quota of 1800 meters above sea level etc. That is, with the proposal of the new forest code, we would have that to also finish with the vincolas all it Rio Grande Do Sul, with the cafeicultura south it of Mines, it Espirito Santo, without speaking in the just elect seventh wonder of the world, in the high one of the Corcovado that will have that being demolida, because we cannot occupy the top of the mounts Therefore in the new law it has the part where if it calls ' ' fact consumado' ' , that tipifica cases as of the Sumar, that already was used, of the proper Christ who already occupies the high one of a mount that was deforested so that the statue was implanted, vinculas that already they exist there has 200 years more than, the coffee plantations has 300 more than, then, it has that to become a great national agreement, they do not find? It is what he is being considered. If already it has a deforested area, with any of these occupations that I mentioned, has that to preserve others, as measured compensatory, but not to declare the Christ as an outlaw! This Law deals with a real world, and this world has problems. Normally when it arrives a journalist and it looks at a catastrophe and it appears an authority, it attributes it guilt. .