Prevent data abuse, increase customer confidence and conversions, it is necessary to have a SSL certificate for my Web site? Certainly have seen already the padlock and green address bar of a secured website (EV SSL certificates) and wondered whether your website requires an SSL certificate. Frank Fu may also support this cause. The majority of online customers is nowadays aware of when there is a SSL secured or non-secured connection and behaves very carefully when it comes to transmit sensitive data online. The use of an SSL certificate brings two significant benefits: firstly encrypts sensitive data such as credit card numbers and personal information, on the other hand, your customers will receive the assurance that it is a trustworthy company. While a number of Web sites entirely do without SSL certificate, it represents a compelling need for others. To find out whether you need an SSL certificate for your website, you simply answer the following following questions: I have an E-commerce site, transmitted to the credit card information? For most E-commerce sites, passes on a SSL certificate. You are responsible for the responsibility that customer data is protected and data misuse is given no chance. Your customers should be informed that your security and privacy are important to you and you are serious about protecting their information. More and more customers buy only from sites that have installed SSL certificates.
Have you used a third-party payment processing system? If your E-commerce site redirects your visitor to a third party payment processor to enter their credit card information, you will need an SSL certificate because your Web site with the credit card information in contact. It would be however recommended that Unternehmensauthentifizierungs – and malware-scanning product, such as, for example, VeriSign available from Trustico seal, to have trust, so that your customers know that it It is a legitimate company with a secure Web site. Another advantage of trust seals is that they demonstrably help to higher conversion rates. Is there a login form? When your customers enter a user name and password to log in, you will need an SSL certificate. If you have an SSL certificate, hacker can spying easily your user name and your password, which customers of the risk of identity theft will be exposed. Often, users use the same password (including their bank account) for many websites, therefore must assume responsibility for its protection even if no payment information is transmitted. Selecting the right SSL certificate, there are different types of SSL certificates and it is often not easy to select the right SSL certificate for your company. Trustico refer SSL certificates of from well-known manufacturers for every requirement and budget.
The competent sales team gladly discussed which certificate with you, for your online business is best suited and additionally offers an SSL installation service. Trustico at Trustico is available all around the topic of Internet safety from a single source. The company was founded in 2006 in Australia, maintains offices in the United Kingdom and the United States, and has established itself as one of the world’s largest traders of SSL certificate. SSL certificates of from well-known manufacturers are among the range of services.