Installation of facades made of wood: environmental friendliness, beauty and thermal insulation of your home from BelBild +79260080349. Decorative finishing of log cabins, houses, baths made of logs on the technology BelBild +79260080349 – Honors for this thing, for people who can appreciate in full force at every moment of his life, his class, exclusive, and each of its fun! Indeed, in the first place, the decorative facing of facades – it beauty and the desire to live in harmony and warmth – even if the visual and, of course, the comfort of your home. And if you’re willing to spend on environmental, health and beauty of your log home front, the baths of logs time and money – we can offer you a unique opportunity to stand out. BelBild brick facades offers log cabins with natural materials such as chopped sawn shingles – shingles, or other types of coatings. When installing a wooden facade our installers use the methods of laying shingles on the roof like, however, is laying shingles is held vertically, so apply a more robust mounting methods coverage. This laborious process of assembling the facades are more than covered by the result of the assembly – covering environmental performance, unique style, the effect of wall hangings wooden nameplates, and it is precisely because it turns due to lack of strict geometrical lines in wood flakes, which makes the front soft, attractive, well, the heat radiated by the tree itself, leads us to believe in the security and comfort of the environment. On the cost of using natural wood coatings – shingles, shingle for decorating facades, of course, not the cheapest option, but we note that when the impregnation technology and styling service life of such eco-friendly facade indoors up to 50 years, and when installing shingles – shingle outside the room – up to 30 years – in this case the cost of facades completely paid off. Now BelBild also uses special additives to impregnate the wood, which allow shingles to be resistant to fire, but it is also possible to use adhesives for decorating the shingle – for example, to add color by using additives Osmo. What’s more the nature and charm facing chopped, sawn shingles – a unique style and the uniqueness of each flake as a natural material, the uniqueness of the installation of facades – the installer, using different methods installation can not create exactly the same line of styling and the form of flakes, as to what your home is absolutely unique..