On the other hand, in set with educating, the educator constructs the knowledge. The interdisciplinaridade fits, in this case in specifies, the task to guide the learning process to make possible to educating the capacity to recognize the characteristics of the lived experience, to describe and to explain the development of the conscience citizen in its social context. This citizenship is directly on to the questions of belonging of the individual while personal identity, regional identity and national identity. ' ' The interdisciplinaridade starts for the joint planning, area of the knowledge, and if it materialize for the cooperation between disciplinas' ' (Curricular Referencial Lies of Rio Grande 2009) Research carried through in manuals of Didactics of History destined to the professor, and published in Brazil in the period between 1917 and 2004, evidences the shock between what it was called ' ' traditional learning ' ' ' ' learning criticizes of the Histria' '. (Schmidt. 2009.
p.22) In this perspective, we see the entailed process of education to the positivistas traditional standards, that separately aim at to the construction of facts and great names and that it does not value the trajectory of the historical context where the individual if inserts, isolating what was the base of the construction of the nation and the development of the education in Brazil. In it I begin the education it exclusively served only for the formation of more efficient and disciplined laborers and was based on the bourgeois standards of the industrial society, that had its bigger representation with the Industrial Revolution in century XVIII. In this period this industrial bourgeoisie perceives that the laborer who frequents the school becomes a more docile laborer, more efficient. At the same time where the industrialization process if places as composer of the social standards and that the education would have to follow way the same, that is, the society and the education would follow the requirements of the ruling class bourgeois European Christian occidental person.