What else does? He thought, and embarked on the March. Upon his return, the pattern a beautiful and full toolbox. Immediately his neighbor call the door of her house: I come to ask him if you don’t have a hammer to lend me look at it, if I just bought it but I need it to work as I stay without good jobs, but would I return it is morning well early. The doorman agreed and presto you hammer. The next morning, as promised, the neighbor play the door: look, I still need the hammer. Why not sell me? No, I need to work and in addition, the hardware store this to two days by mule. Let a deal said the neighbor I would repay the two days of ida and the two of turn, hammer, total price you this without working.
What do you think? Really, this gave him work for four days I accept. He returned to riding his Mule. To return, another neighbor expected it in the door of her house: Hello, neighbor. Do you a hammer sold our friend? If this is look, I need a few tools, and am willing to pay its four days travel, more a small profit. I do not have time for the trip. The ex-portero opened his box of tools and its neighbour chose a pair of pliers, a screwdriver, a hammer and chisel.
He paid and left. The ex-portero thought then that many people may need that the travel to bring tools that had been sold. Incidentally, it might save some time travel. The voice started to run around the neighborhood and many wanted to avoid the trip. Once a week, now broker tools traveled and bought what his customers needed. Rent a bogie to store tools and a few weeks later rent a room that became the first hardware of the people.