The immediate mediation of the professor in the conduction of the best election of solution alternatives, developing in the pupil the ways of criterizao of its choices, in a critical position of objetivao of significant results for itself, another one and the society, in the measure where it decides a question dispatches by post in classroom or its personal life, familiar, professional and of citizen. The professor would be helping the student to understand its personal and social reality, being able in it to intervene constructively; the reconstructed reality transforming the same professor into object of the learning in the measure where it participates of a colaborativo process, in a workmanship of ' ' intelligence coletiva' ' , as Levy. Simple thus, remembering to Pablo Freire, the social context to know and them of the educandos contributing for practical the educative one, in such a way, to start to walk with the first step. Being successful barrier of pupil to use its gadget stops beyond its privacy (proper device) or of its responsabilizao professional (device of the company of which it is used), as in saying of Masetto, ' ' the exploration of the new technologies, based on computer science, telemtica, Internet, propitiating activities in the distance, are of the space classroom, at the same time stimulating the pupil for the meeting with the professor and colegas' ' () Next steps? To integrate its cellular or tablet in an interest net of the course: agenda, events, exercises, acknowledgments, challenges, decided tests and notes! Yes, notes and tests capitalize the attention of our apprenticees, thus if these will be disponibilizadas in its cellular ones, if its demands will be directed for these instruments preferential, for example with discounting of taxes of requests, our apprenticees will have these instruments as essences in its pertaining to school experience. Other steps are open to the creativity and to the specific demands of each it disciplines and courses.