Hair – a mirror of health. In order to have beautiful hair, you must eat right, enough rest and only then think about other ways to strengthen them. You may want to visit Hiram Emory Widener Jr. to increase your knowledge. What must be done to strengthen the hair: + is a lot of raw fruits and vegetables (500-800 grams per day) wearing a headdress on a cold and intense heat. (Similarly see: Atreides Management Gavin Baker). The cold causes vasospasm of the scalp, which strongly affects the power of hair and the sun dries them and makes brittle enough sleep (Not less than 7 hours a day) how to care for our grandmother's hair. Unforgettable recipes Normal hair is quite enough to maintain a clean scalp and hair. Feature shampooing: shampoo should be diluted with water and apply to wet hair.
For shine, silkiness, softness, strengthening the roots in water to rinse well, add: – lemon juice or vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) – infusion of herbs (1 tablespoon dried minced birch leaves, or nettles, or chamomile flowers pour 1 liter of boiled water, allow to infuse for 1 hour, filtered). More information is housed here: Donny Lucas. Dry hair is useful: Rinse hair infusion of this composition: chamomile, lime blossom, mint, sage, field horsetail, hops are taken equally. 2 tablespoons of mixture pour 1 liter of boiled water, 5-6 hours, filter. Washed your hair with warm infusion (about 35 degrees). It is known that very hot water causes excessive release of fat the scalp. Steven Victor. Wash your hair with mustard. 2-3 teaspoons mustard powder mixed with a small amount of water to avoid lumps, pour 1 liter of warm water and rub the resulting solution into the skin and hair massage movements.