– it does not supply the explanation nor allows the understanding of the true nature of the reality. If you are not convinced, visit ConocoPhillips. – Search a practical application of its knowledge, searching always resulted and benefits immediate. Scientific knowledge – part of the skeptical position ahead of the reality (not it radical skepticism) doubts and looks for to justify the beliefs (critical attitude) – is an interpretation logical-rational of the data. – it bases its conclusions only in evidences. – it combines invention, logic, mathematics and experimentation, therefore it is a set of repeatable procedures. – it is a rational knowledge (justified belief) – it uses rigorous methods and it formulates hypotheses you tested. – it uses reasonings, tests and demonstrations to get rigorous conclusions concerning the functioning of the nature.
– he is objective, therefore, its comments independem of the personal opinions, and will have to obtain that the gotten conclusions can be verified by any another member of the scientific community, since its rationality looks for to eliminate the influence of the emotional one. For such it uses a rigorous language, whose concepts are established in order to prevent misunderstandings. This language is very it needs and it is used of the mathematics to transform qualities into amounts. – the characteristic of the verificabilidade possesss, therefore the hypotheses that cannot be proven do not belong to the scope of science. – even so its practical application is undeniable, its intention with the inquiry is to understand the causal structure of the world; to understand of that way functions the nature. – it is falvel and provisory, therefore, its theories are valid while new evidences for definitive phenomenon do not appear.
– it is the form most rigorous of knowledge of the humanity, however, exactly thus is provisory, therefore it depends on the evidences. – It is an interpretation of the reality therefore: ) the scientific knowledge does not translate the reality as it is in same itself, nor is the only way to fit the reality. b) in supplies a vision to them of the according to perspective reality of the reason, that sees the vast order of the universe, alive and inanimate substance, as a material system governed by rules that the mind human being can learn. IT HAS MORE FORMS TO INTERPRET THE REALITY: – the scientific vision of the world does not answer to all our concerns: ' ' it shows to us what it exists, but not what to make with isto' '. – all the interpretations have origin in the curiosity before the felt world ena search of for the existence.