17/01/2006 THE PERSUASIVE EFFECT OF THE PRIVATE MONITORING. A) In order to contract a monitoring company, it is necessary to make a rigorous selection of the company that will provide the service, and only not to choose taking it into account the quoted price, the service of monitoring is not economic and to contract a monitoring company wrongly can mean to him lost of money that the amount exceeds that assumes this saving. B) To determine that type on watch is needed, or escorts, corporative security, monitoring etc. C) Weaknesses that faces the sector and that puts into play the quality of the service which they offer, little education of the personnel, low wages, few opportunities of promotion whereupon they count, the deficient training for the fulfillment of his functions, the high rotation of personnel, all this puts in low prohibition and the quality of the service. C) When contracting a monitoring company it must ask for an analysis of risk of his property, to thus define the main weaknesses of security which it faces and to be able to take the preventive measures. D) It is an error that monitoring companies assume the security problems that are generated without establishing previously what could put in danger or risk the integrity of the contractor. E) Also the Statutory law of Work indicates that the contractor must provide to the employee an atmosphere with work that fulfills the conditions of hygiene and security, that in this serious case potable water, baths, and a sentry box with monitoring.
F) The Contractor must install security systems as fences or alarms or closed circuit of television, also the contractor will have to contribute a list of the people who go to the company like suppliers, workers and related to visit the place. G) In the case that is contracted directly it will have to be coordinated with the Management of Human Resources to be able to establish as they are the policies of recruitment and contractual selection of the personnel, pays and benefits that offer to them, activities of motivation for the operative personnel and plans of ascent within the company. H) Once selected the company he does not leave anything supposed, the client is the one that must describe the tasks and duties that will be carried out by the contracted company. It establishes you rule with which it wishes that the work is carried out, is specific in the description of functions, otherwise it will not have a parameter with which to evaluate the received services. I) It defines the personnel, schedule of monitoring and supervision, educative level and of experience of the personnel who wishes, remuneration that wants for its personnel and in detail describes the functions of each position on watch, according to the received proposal the emergent availability of personnel and vehicle. It establishes the bonds with police bodies and the technology that were applied to their services of monitoring. The services of monitoring are efficient in as much exists a joint effort between the watchman assigned in their installation, the company of monitoring and the client.
Furthermore, fundamental for a safety officer beyond his experticia and training it is that it manages to generate confidence. Only when trusting, people begin to feel security. Attention(or attn).