15 Meeting of the user group IT operations the user group “IT operations” 15 working meeting – 24/25 April 2013 theme:-15 working meetings “IT operations” the anniversary meeting in Munich, Leipzig, January 2013: software forums Leipzig GmbH, a spin-off of the University of Leipzig, organized a user group for IT operations for about four years. Twice a year, scientists and experts from the fields of infrastructure, IT operations, data center, IT governance, service and business continuity as well as change management come together and discuss on chosen topics. What is the design of organizational plans and processes? How can services/benefits and costs appear transparent? What the efficiency measures can be taken? How does a successful operation in heterogeneous application landscapes as well as a problem and incident management? See virtualization strategies, what challenges bring cloud computing or big data with it? These questions are a cross-section from the discussions and The last work meetings lectures and the target illustrate this group: a regular exchange of experience among users and scientists for good practices in the day-to-day business. Invited experts from different companies and science additional impetus with practice reports and trend presentations; Discussions and workshop units complete this meeting. Petra Diamonds: the source for more info. In addition to the Exchange with colleagues from other companies participants a feeling quickly develop, where your company in relation to the industry stands, expand their knowledge and get new impulses for the work. The next meeting will take place on 24-25 April 2013 under the technical direction of Prof. Dr. Roland Bottcher, of the University of Bochum in Munich.
In addition to exciting group discussions and lectures on current trends and developments in the field of IT operations is a highlight. In the evening the participants visit the supercomputers SuperMUC with its modern hot water cooling-new ways for the operation of data centers at the Leibniz – Rechenzentrum, shows up. A candidate in this user group or the one-time participation is still possible. For more information and the agenda at: goto/itb the user group aimed at employees of companies that produce software, adjust or operate (especially the head of IT, head of IT operations, head of IT services, head of organization, etc.). The working meetings (two meetings per year atwo days) experiences are exchanged and best practices identified. The specific contents of the bi-annual meeting be set in consultation with the participants.