Universal winter tires on all occasions, unfortunately, it's fantastic. However, this is not a lack of buses, but only limitations possibilities of designs and materials, and, besides, an extra argument in favor of timely seasonal replacement tires. After all, if not winter tires are universal, then what about all-season models, and even more so – about summer (year-round operated) tires. When choosing tires for the winter, First of all, note to any road surface in the first place they will be used. Tires for urban roads – is one thing, winter tires for Proselkov – it's a different story. Non-studded winter bus divided into two types – the European and Scandinavian. Tire tread pattern is similar to the European figure protivodozhdevyh tires – to build a diagonal extensive network of drainage canals, an abundance of fine cuts, strong lugs.
This type of tires are designed to ensure safe movement of the wet – after the rain, wet snow – cover. For many motorists one of the defining characteristics for Tyre choice is their price – and located it in close association brand tires. Tyre marks can be divided into three categories – authoritative, affordable, low cost. Tyres, belonging to the first category, the most expensive, but it allows the manufacturer to use when creating the newest technologies. The latter is cheaper, and they have an acceptable quality for most car owners. Tires third category inexpensive, have an acceptable quality and in our country the most popular.