
Interculturalism the emergence of the term multiculturalism or interculturalism seems motivated by the shortcomings of the concepts of multiculturalism and Interculturalism to reflect the social dynamics and to formulate the objective of new socio-cultural synthesis. Early formulations with regard to interculturality, as a proposal for action, emerged in the field of education. At school, as a field of intense interaction, the inadequacy of pluralism as a sum or coexistence of cultures becomes apparent. The notion of multiculturalism introduces a dynamic perspective of culture and cultures. It aims to reduce the risks of essentialisms, etnicismos and culturalismos. It focuses on the contact and interaction, mutual influence, syncretism, cultural miscegenation; i.e., in the processes of socio-cultural interaction increasingly intense and varied in the context of ideological, political, and economic globalization and the technological revolution in communications and transport. Debate on interculturality is added to the already existing on the common and differentiated citizenship. We can find that interculturality refers to some kind of contact, interaction or communication between human groups from different cultures, but in a problematic context, at the level of everyday social life or for social theory.

For social life, interculturality is associated to: 1. If you would like to know more then you should visit Frank Fu. communication problems (because of ignorance of the culture of the other) deficient in various programs and projects: health, education, production 2. Problems related to discrimination to different ethnic or racial groups. 3. Usually asymmetric relations between different ethnic or cultural groups. Interculturalism can only be understood as any form of communication between different ethnic groups, so it is necessary to clarify not only what is meant by ethnicity and ethnicity, but also related concepts that usually appear immediately: race and racialidad. Interculturality is really intercultural communication; i.e., the existence of the interaction as a phenomenon implies immediately placed in a communicational phenomenon because it describes a relationship between cultures which, good or bad, it is communicating by one or both parties need.