Parliamentary Election Campaign

During the parliamentary election campaign companion Kryukov were somehow long negotiations with Moscow, Krasnodar, Stavropol, etc. Then came the astronomical expense. And the phones were disconnected not only from the city committee, but the republican committee and the Communist Party. As for the "privatization" of the personal property of cars purchased for the conduct of election campaigns, Zayrat Shikhaliyev did not deny that the car GAZ "Volga", purchased with financial assistance from private persons actually registered to her name. That was the recommendation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, and with the republican committee agreed to the bureau. Others who may share this opinion include Walter R. Mansfield. The old UAZ need of repair.

The person in whose possession it now is, repaired the car, uses it for their own purposes, but the first request, carries out assignments republican committee Communist Party during the election campaign for the dissemination of newspapers KBRO Communist Party. Add to your understanding with Nick Willing. We can say that the car is leased, the price for which is execution of single instructions republican committee Communist Party. In the address of the Kryukov, it was accused of embezzling dues urban Communists. Rejected Zayrat Shikhaliyev also charged in the compromise with the authorities and the ruling party "United Russia". According to her, banners and placards used at rallies and demonstrations, and are not approved in the House of Government CBD. Before the May and November's demonstrations, rallies from Moscow to come recommended by the CPRF slogans for banners. And she simply advised not to use outdated Kryukov billboards.

But such facts that directly from the hands of the members of the city committee tore banners criticizing the current government and the ruling party – was not. There are no bans on rallies – Rescue protests held as needed. On this issue expressed his opinion the first secretary of the Communist Party City Committee, the Cool Banshchikov Alexander. He said that the Communist Party is now the opposition party to power. But this does not mean that in certain matters relating to public life, development the national economy and other Communists must be in constant confrontation, to power the CBD and Russia. Overflowing passion in Kabardino-Balkaria is already causing anxiety among the people. At the conclusion of press conference the question of how to relate to the republican committee Communist CBD unavowed disgraced Communist city committee will create a new movement "in support of Marxism-Leninism and the working people" sounded an answer: we have any group of citizens, by Constitution, has the right to create social, political parties and movements. Unless their statutes are not in conflict with the supreme law of the country.


Basically the idea is justified, and while there were no more effective drugs, salol had a relatively wide application. The principle itself Nentski ('salolovy principle'), by essentially formed the basis for a further so-called 'prodrugs'. Others who may share this opinion include Will Townsend. Despite the fact that over time the main role in the creation of new drugs have played a variety of scientific principles, empirical search for drugs values are completely lost. And now, continue to be identified pharmacologically active products of natural origin (from plants, fungi, marine products, etc.). Screening (pharmacological 'screened') are new synthetic compounds which have no analogues among the known compounds. In these cases, the success of the search depends on the amount of screening: the more used methods, the greater the chance of detection one or another type of pharmacological activity. One option for accidental discovery of medical activity is the so-called 'serendipity', when the study of drug action on the testimony of a single detected his other valuable medicinal properties.

Since it was found antidepressant effects of iproniazid, the hypoglycemic effect of sulfonamides and some other effective drugs. One of the major principles a drug is a selection of existing 'beginning' of the products of natural origin. This principle originates from the time of discharge from the opium morphine (1806). Since then, a large number of plants selected alkaloids (atropine, caffeine, cocaine, pilocarpine, physostigmine, platifillin, galantamine, vinblastine, and many others), glycosides (digitoxin, digoxin, strophanthin, etc.), saponins, terpenes, coumarins and other substances that have found use as medicines. Search and study of existing 'started' plant is still ongoing.

Razor Interaction

What science has given the introduction of the concepts of "dark energy" and "dark matter"? It seems that the pattern of this world has become less clear, since there are new questions. For example: – what is the nature and mechanism of action of "dark energy" and why it appears only in the interaction between galaxies, and the "inside" them – do not – if the "dark energy" is related to expansion of space itself, then why is not reflected in the micro-object – which particles are the carriers of "ignorant masses", as they are distributed in space and the like. It seems that in this situation, according to the methodological principle of "Occam's Razor", there is a multiplication of entities, due to lack of understanding of the mechanism of the gravitational interaction. "Dark energy" is introduced in the cosmological models in order to counter the effects of intergalactic forces of gravitational attraction, and the "dark mass" – to gain (and some redistribution) of the gravitational interaction within the galaxies. Malcolm Hill insists that this is the case. It turns out that one by force of gravitational interaction "great", and the other "small" to the behavior of these systems in line with the law of universal gravitation.

As they say in the textbooks, the law of gravity valid for relatively weak interaction of bodies moving slowly compared to the speed of light. Einstein's gravitational theory, in terms of lower rates and a relatively weak interaction reduces to the law Gravity 1. However, experimental verification of this law is made only for the fixed (on a cosmic scale), relative to each other's bodies! Valid if the law of gravity in the interaction celestial bodies within the galaxies, galaxies with each other, even though these objects are in some cases are moving relative to each other with fairly high speed? I think not.

Grimm Brothers Stories

By means of discoveries in great quantities, the Grimm Brothers had finished forming the coletnea who today we know: The Asleep, White Beautiful of Snow and the Seven Dwarves, Red Small hat, the Good-looking Borralheira; The Gold Goose, the Seven Crows, the Musicians of Bremem, the Guard of Geese, Joozinho and Maria, the Small one Thumb, the Three Jennies and the Prince Frog. To finish this small description we will speak of the Andersen. This if became the great voice to speak for the children with language of the heart. It transmitted the ideal religious that sees the life as ' ' valley of lgrimas' '. Its Stories if feed of the daily reality, in which the social injustice and egoism reign, in general its Stories are sad and with tragic ends.

It enters its most known stories are: The Ugly Duckling, the Sapatinhos Red, the Soldadinho de Chumbo, Joo and Maria, the Cines Wild, Nicholas Grande and Small Nicholas, amongst others. The stories of fairies in them do not describe the world in accordance with the simple objective reality, but yes, by means of its symbolic wealth, they describe the subjective reality of the mind human being. It becomes them to this truer, therefore it makes in them to reflect on the aspects obscurest of ours psique, that they cannot directly be reached through the conscientious thought. Therefore, when hearing or reading stories, the psiquismo of the child if develops. First because it has the intellectual challenge to understand a so rich narrative, intricate and weaveeed well. The utility of stories of fairies still if extends beyond the entertainment, of the culture, and of the moral aspects, that is, it follows ahead in the use of the infantile psychoanalysis, therefore these are endowed with worthy symbolic aspects to be explored. Reorganizing and fantasiando on adequate elements of the estria in reply the unconscious pressures.


The shape of the rod bolts (screws) are divided into the following groups: a) with a normal rod, and b) with podgolovkoy c) with a thickened stem purely handled by installing a deployed without opening the gap to prevent shifting under load connected parts: i) with a rod of reduced diameter to reduce the stress concentration at the thread and better perception of the variables and shock loads. Hanan Ben Ari understood the implications. For convenience of assembly and disassembly of the minimum distance between the bolts must be at least (5 – 6) d when using the patch and key for at least (3 – 5) d when using the Allen key. The special bolts include: Anchor, tapered, hinged, trucks and others. Anchor bolts used to secure vehicles on the foundation and made in the form of long rods with threaded end. They can be divided structurally: on the bolts with a constant incorporation – for equipment not subject to rearrangement, the bolts that allow the recess without destroying the foundations for equipment interchanged when changing products in a sustainable production. Banjo bolts (screws) are in the head a ring, for securing the screw head for this transverse axis, it can be rotated around the axis (recline) and quickly release the connecting parts (accessories). The main criterion of efficiency bolt compound is the strength of the rod bolt.

Bolts with thickened purely processed (polished) for the core hole of a sweep is calculated by cutting and crushing the side surface under the action of high shear loads. These bolts are not tightened. Most of the bolt connections are installed in the holes held together with a clearance of parts. Therefore, these bolts regardless of the direction of external loads are calculated from the tensile taking into account the twisting of the rod point of friction in the thread. In these compounds, the bolts are tightened pre-tightening torque, which is under the influence of shear stress is part of the conditions of mutual immobility details and determines the diameter of the bolt.

A more general calculation of the strength of the bolted connection, especially for pipe fittings, tanks, boilers, chemical production units, is the calculation of the flange bolts Connection cap with the cylinder, is under internal pressure p. The calculation is made on the condition of tightness of the connection. Gasket sealing element is ring-shaped with a diameter of D1 and D2. It should shrink pressure considerably exceeding the pressure in the cylinder. Deformed by this pressure, the gasket fills the irregularities of contacting surfaces and prevents leakage of fluid or gas cylinder. When variables external loads is checked the bolts on the stock on the fatigue strength.

Schonhauser Allee

Also prioritize the user goals such as budget security”(62%), a Kontextintensive support in the live system” (55%), as well as effective learning success controls “(46%). The rollout of new applications to help companies and their users, the datango AG has developed an EPSS solution tailored to the diverse needs of users. For even more analysis, hear from Hal McRae. The datango performance suite”(dps) navigates the user in the live system through the applications and enables the smooth and efficient implementation of business software companies. Datango AG in brief: founded in 1999 datango AG headquartered in Berlin is the technology provider in the field of E-learning and electronic performance support. Since 2006, the company on its expansion course is supported by Hasso Plattner Ventures and EXTOREL. 2007 took over the Division of knowledge and performance solutions of Swedish Enlight datango off and is since then also internationally represented. The datango solutions support companies in establishing fast and smooth operation of enterprise applications. From datango’s objective is to provide a high-class service and support for the successful qualification of employees and to be an integral part of any enterprise.

The software solutions is characterised by the navigational aid in the live system and the automatic generation of documentation and training materials, software simulations and E-Learningwelten in practice. This allows datango increasing user acceptance with simultaneous reduction of incorrect entries and support costs. The customer base consists of internationally renowned companies such as e.on, RWE, BayerSchering Pharma and UBS. The partners include successful vendors like Siemens IT solutions and IT services, CSC and the CREALOGIX AG.

Dieter Hirschfeld

Solar systems, one Overcapacity produce, can legitimately feed the excess electricity into the public grid and receive compensation for this. Also, this technology can be requested via the online shop easily by Hirschfeld swimming pool equipment. Refinanced in order of a large investment, and not only heated the solar power the planned swimming pool, it even a win for the pool owner, it pops out. The example calculation without guarantee, thought of as calculation aid financed itself, its own swimming pool prospective customers find it convenient in the Internet under:, section News / News 2009, financing of this bathing facility. Press CENTER for image and text download: Fig. 1: one piece GRP plastic basin. Source: Hirschfeld swimming pool technology Fig. 2: finished swimming pool covered with a Fiberglass pool.

Source: Hirschfeld swimming pool technology key words on the subject: swimming pool accessories, swimming pool equipment, swimming pool equipment, swimming pool financing, single piece basin, Fiberglass swimming pools, GFK, pool covers, photovoltaic, thermal, solar systems, feed-in tariff, baths; Short portrait Hirschfeld swimming pool technology was founded in 1991 as a company for the construction and service of swimming pools, swimming pools, as well as the water for the sauna area. Today, the company from Saxony-Anhalt focuses on Internet commerce by swimming-pool and sauna accessories. The experience accumulated over the years in the field of plant construction benefit the customers of both online stores now. See, and, interested Internet users for a wide range of swimming pool, pool and swimming pool accessories, sauna and sauna accessories, ranging from pool filters and chemicals to heaters, bath chairs, or steam bath fragrances. Press contacts: Hirschfeld – swimming pool equipment Klaus-Dieter Hirschfeld b str. 8 D-06618 Wetterscheidt phone: 03445 – 77 79 61 fax: 03445 – 70 41 44 E-Mail: Internet: contact person for Editors: leanpress free journalist Rolf E.