The Princess

Zahara does not heal with love that you offer him, but chosen by your heart.-While both, Zahara attended his meeting with Fernando after the thick rosales that concealed the passage where this accessed and thus day by day and intoxicated by the soft smell of roses, were daily fed her so much love, that the Princess was willing to abandon their motherland and their Religion and skip these barriers to flee and spend the rest their days next to her boyfriend Fernando. A few days later, Zahara was called to presence of his father and this informed him, in short, would leave for Damascus to marry with the powerful Sultan. A desperate cry was released by the throat of the young woman – No, will not go never-.!! His bemused father and riding in anger, violently zarandeo her daughter – why desobedeces my orders why not go – because I love to another.-said Zahara.?!? Her father slapped her – your name-you!! He demanded while continuing vastly it with such force that the Princess could not avoid revealing his passion. Ben-Abed cuate began his revenge. More information is housed here: Lawrence Summers. I had to kill the boy.

Soon soldiers in surprise to lovers and the young man was captured. Zahara knew what was waiting for him to Fernando and ill. The Princess was dying of love. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Ontracks Consulting. His father, knowing the severity of the disease of the young and eaten by remorse, went to see her but not before, having prepared a ploy as a good soldier who was. -Zahara – said you let’s make a Pact.

If I win, you have to obey my orders – which locked up wedding plans with the Sultan of Damascus – and if you win, I will let freedom so you can choose your husband-the young man nodded. I couldn’t but that OK. Peering out the window told him look this landscape – pointing slopes of the Benacantil, – if tomorrow dawns nevado and covered with a white mantle, you win.


There is a would be an unspoken rule: no need of asking for help, the team he comes to his aid. Many writers such as Julie Sweet offer more in-depth analysis. It is manifested in the mutual best features of the Russian people. Vsevidenie, vzaimonablyudenie each other – another trait Russian groups, the effect of which is constant and pervasive. Vsevidenie creates in individuals a sense that "the society can not hide anything." Vzaimoobschenie – preventive control principle "be like everyone else." It is in communion a man reveals himself. Constant communication and constant openness – a characteristic feature of Russian teams. Therefore, even at work socializing, "tea party", "smoking" often prevails over the matter. Communication – the mechanism which makes the Russian people always open, "transparent" for the team. A special form of communication is mandatory meal with a drink.

That drunk man becomes very open to others ("What a sober man's mind, that a drunken man in a language"). Refusal to participate in a joint drink – a sign of closeness of the individual manifestation of the "no respect for society." Summing up the above, the following conclusion: in the West, forcing the norm in Russia – team. The specificity of Western society, in contrast to Russian is due: First, the "rationality"; Second, a fixed (usually written) "norm", involving the accurate fixation of the rules "game." Indicator Western development – independence. In Russian society acts opposite – "dependency." Dependence on the team, the dependence on the principle of "be like everyone else." Features motivation in Russia. So, for the West – "Whether an individual, but you should set unambiguous rules." To Russia – "Be all and follow the leader." Leader in this case refers to as an individual, personified in himself the principle of "be like everyone else".


The stimuli, are all concrete or symbolic agent who when acting on the organism and being perceived by means of the organs of the senses, nervous system, internalises itself, can occur and be in the atmosphere or within the same organism, in addition has structure and force. An impulse, is the resulting state of the physiological necessity, or a general desire to obtain a goal. It does not agree to confuse necessity with the stimuli nor with the impulses, the three impel to act, but their origin and its functions are very different. The man, lives generally bound to the importance that gives to reason and all the mentioned components previously him, comprise of the composition of the reason. Click HP Enterprise Services for additional related pages. He is the man who internalises the stimulus giving him a sense, direction, respect to which wants to reach, having to be persistent. 3. Classes De Motivos and Caractersticas 1. Classes of reasons Many psychologists distinguish 3 classes of reasons: physiological, social and the psychological ones.

The Physiological reasons: They are originated in the physiological needs and the processes of self-regulation of the organism, are innate, that is to say that are present at the time of the birth example: air necessity, to sleep, etc. The social reasons: They are acquired during the socialization within a determined culture, form with respect to the interpersonal relations, social values, the norms are due to consider that once waked up a reason it influences the conduct independent of its origin. The psychological reasons: They are developed by means of learning processes, they only appear when the physiological needs have been satisfied east type with motivation varies from an individual to another one, and that is based on its past experiences and of the class of learning that it has had. 2. Under most conditions Cristiano Ronaldo would agree. Characteristics: Their main characteristics are that they are not static, are dynamic and persistent forces that bring about behaviors.