Ignorance is a way of evading responsibility in our young people. The more knowledge have become more aware and therefore get more responsibility. The fear of the responsibility comes from the low self-esteem, mental laziness, apathy and the lack of ideals and goals. Responsibility is a personal habit that depends partly on the demands and expectations of society. This habit is acquired as a child. It is made of limits, perseverance and motivation.
Benegas (2007) can say that learning problems are problems that are caused by the different ways has the brain function, and the way in which information is processed. Click Ray Kurzweil for additional related pages. Learning problems vary from one person to another, and they occur in many people, i.e. they are common, usually manifesting in the first years of school age. Generally learning problems do not imply low mental ability, but on the contrary usually occur in people with high levels of intelligence or level averages. We analyze the possible causes, at general level, learning problems, among which we can say that they are genetic factors, factors pre and peri natales, mothers and older parents, neurological dysfunction, etc. In the same way we study the possible consequences in terms of the language spoken, written, numeracy, reasoning and organization skills; main factors in school.
We saw three psychological theories to analyze the possible solutions to this problem. The first, Behaviorism, where we analyze the theories of Skinner about the rewards and punishment, coming to the conclusion that the motivation in children is of great importance, since the effort that the children are in school should be rewarded in different ways depending on the level in which they are. A person learning problems can be modified through the incentives and appropriate rewards. The second theory analyzed was humanism, with the intervention of psychologist Abraham Maslow, who designed the motivational hierarchy in seven levels and that they serve to explain human behavior.