
We come back to the primrdios of our first organization as society in the search to identify to the origin of the referring problems the social inaqualities and informal work in the recycling. The cities had appeared as an alternative of social organization, where it took off the man wild of the forest it transformed and it into a civilized being. Until then something very promising if it was not the planning lack. The cities ' ' organizadas' ' they had given origin to the social classrooms, dividing the society between rich and poor. The capitalism appears as the advent of a new age, the age of the profit through the hand of cheap workmanship and of the consumerism.

This consumerism, together with the new technologies and the age of the dismissable ones, brought a great problem for the planet Land, the uncontrolled accumulation of residues. With as much poverty and social inaquality an alternative was to use the discarded one as survival form. To try to understand, to reflect and to analyze the trajectory of our civilization and its problems is basic for a possible search for urgent and more concrete solutions. Thus it follows the work, as already it had before salient, searching the agreement of the referring current moment the social inaqualities and the informal work. 2 THE PROCESS CIVILIZATRIO Since much time the humanity needed to dominate the nature to survive. To understand a little the complex current situation of the planet Land, mainly referring to the garbage production and its consequences in the society if makes necessary to retake some events important that they had occurred in elapsing of the time and history. It has 10 a thousand years behind, with the development of the pasturing and of agriculture, the human beings had substituted the nomadismo for the sedentarizao, giving origin to the first urban centers.

Vivianne Blanlot

In the middle of 1996, Vivianne Blanlot, executive director of the National Commission of Environment (CONAMA) . .no reached to sign. officially the Technical Report of Qualification of the Ralco power station, elaborated by a Revisory Committee of 19 services public of the Government, who during months had studied the evaluation of environmental impact given by ENDESA. The report was categorical: the deficiencies of the Study of Environmental impact are translated not even in which the project does not become position, slightly, of their more excellent effects what implies that the approval requirements are not fulfilled Therefore, the Revisory Committee recommends the rejection of the project presented/displayed . Nevertheless, finally Ralco was approved by CONAMA and Blanlot.

By the days of the controversy, Jorge Rosenblut exerted like undersecretary in the Ministry General Secretariat of the Presidency, on which the CONAMA depends. Time later a food in the Spanish Circle was offered to him. According to the electronic magazine South Contact, would have shared table there nothing less than with Jose Yuraszeck and Ricardo Solari, at that time high leader of the Socialist Party, that next to Jaime Undurraga and other notables they had conformed the group of people in charge to review the program of relocalizacin imposed by ENDESA to pehuenches. Today Rosenblut is seated in the armchair of the president of the directory of Metropolitan Chilectra. Days after the inauguration of Pangue in March of 1997, very worried about the obvious intervention of high civil servants in the approval of Ralco in the CONAMA, the socialist deputy Juan Pablo Letelier, decided, next to other 39 parliamentarians, to mention a special session of the Camera of Deputies to investigate what was happening. Everything is in Anything CHILE THINKS CHILE attention(or attn) phantaleon original Author and source of the article.

The Persuasive Effect Of The Private Security

17/01/2006 THE PERSUASIVE EFFECT OF THE PRIVATE MONITORING. A) In order to contract a monitoring company, it is necessary to make a rigorous selection of the company that will provide the service, and only not to choose taking it into account the quoted price, the service of monitoring is not economic and to contract a monitoring company wrongly can mean to him lost of money that the amount exceeds that assumes this saving. B) To determine that type on watch is needed, or escorts, corporative security, monitoring etc. C) Weaknesses that faces the sector and that puts into play the quality of the service which they offer, little education of the personnel, low wages, few opportunities of promotion whereupon they count, the deficient training for the fulfillment of his functions, the high rotation of personnel, all this puts in low prohibition and the quality of the service. C) When contracting a monitoring company it must ask for an analysis of risk of his property, to thus define the main weaknesses of security which it faces and to be able to take the preventive measures. D) It is an error that monitoring companies assume the security problems that are generated without establishing previously what could put in danger or risk the integrity of the contractor. E) Also the Statutory law of Work indicates that the contractor must provide to the employee an atmosphere with work that fulfills the conditions of hygiene and security, that in this serious case potable water, baths, and a sentry box with monitoring.

F) The Contractor must install security systems as fences or alarms or closed circuit of television, also the contractor will have to contribute a list of the people who go to the company like suppliers, workers and related to visit the place. G) In the case that is contracted directly it will have to be coordinated with the Management of Human Resources to be able to establish as they are the policies of recruitment and contractual selection of the personnel, pays and benefits that offer to them, activities of motivation for the operative personnel and plans of ascent within the company. H) Once selected the company he does not leave anything supposed, the client is the one that must describe the tasks and duties that will be carried out by the contracted company. It establishes you rule with which it wishes that the work is carried out, is specific in the description of functions, otherwise it will not have a parameter with which to evaluate the received services. I) It defines the personnel, schedule of monitoring and supervision, educative level and of experience of the personnel who wishes, remuneration that wants for its personnel and in detail describes the functions of each position on watch, according to the received proposal the emergent availability of personnel and vehicle. It establishes the bonds with police bodies and the technology that were applied to their services of monitoring. The services of monitoring are efficient in as much exists a joint effort between the watchman assigned in their installation, the company of monitoring and the client.

Furthermore, fundamental for a safety officer beyond his experticia and training it is that it manages to generate confidence. Only when trusting, people begin to feel security. Attention(or attn).


The consumption product is our priest, our parents, our mothers, our philosophy, our family, is everything who we need to live in a society that the possessed soul and in its place is losing the unconscious habit, a robotic behavior to consume and for auto consequence if to destroy. The auto destruction of in exactly not only comes of the fact to consume, this absurdly is in the truth is very worse, because our auto destruction also this related with the destruction, through culture capitalism, of the virtues and the human values. The destruction of our noble values disables in them to contribute a society where the man and its proper condition of human being with soul, heart and virtues are the base of the society. Virtues human beings and the soul human being always were the salvation of the man, either it individually, either it collectively. It observes the drawings in the TV some of them already is representing this generation that does not possess respect for nothing, nor by professors, parents, grandmothers, aged, unknown etc, this generation had been created to consume, does not stop possessing virtues, moral, ethics. This generation does not possess limits because they had culturally lost the linking with the distanciamento and for the losses of human values that the technological industrialization, consumption and the advance had brought. The family was object in the hands in the capitalism in the start of industrialization, she was created to its way, and in way more favorable to the consumption, standardized family for the dream American. This same industrialization that the family structuralized its way, took it in unconscious way its destruction, because it provided the woman to the social and economic freedom, the woman passed to search its freedom espelhada in the degeneration of the man, or in positive way, its intellectual and creative virtues search its freedom using.