The main activities of riu are: – maintaining a contingent of foreign students – passport and visa paperwork foreign students and people arriving on international hmei program of educational and scientific cooperation; – migration registration at the place of stay of foreign students and guests. Currently, department employees are forced to manually carry cards of foreign students Fixing basic information about their stay in Russia, to monitor students and registration deadlines in a timely manner to send reports at the request of the Interior, the Ministry of Education and the Federal Service security. To clarify the current status of educational information department employees are turning to obschevuzovskoy database of students, whereas the state passport and visa documents are tracked manually. January 15, 2007 entered into the Federal Law 109 "On Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation, under which temporarily residing or temporarily staying in the Russian Federation, the foreign citizen is obliged to the expiration of three business days after arrival register at the place of residence. It is necessary to submit documents to the list of standard pattern, or a notice, which must be two Signature head of organization and official seal. After passing through the account in the fms in the Saratov region of the tear-off notice is an international student.
Each time you travel abroad a student must in 2 days return this part of the university for the subsequent return to the fms. Violation of the rules for foreign citizens on account of the place of residence faces a fine of 40 to 50 thousand rubles officer of the University, which requires special careful attention to paperwork and control timing of registration. Despite the importance of the role of departments dealing with foreign nationals in each institution and the growing year by year the number of foreign students, so has not been developed the software to support the success of the department. To solve this problemybyla system passport and visa registration of foreign students and visitors to Divisions subjugated to foreign students umc and wec automate the following functions of RIU: – Maintaining filing of foreign students and visitors – reporting; – archiving foreign students and guests. The introduction of this information system will optimize the management of the Passport and Visa account umc and wpp, to increase the efficiency of riu, and possibly increase the number of foreign students wishing to study at university, which in turn will increase the ranking of educational institutions at the national and international levels. Currently programmazaregistrirovana registry programs Computer and successfully used in one of Russian universities.