Annals of experience and wisdom in our time, when the diaries are almost all very lucky to find a virtual network, something real, original and suffered. To read more click here: Cyrus Arnold. These qualities have a diary on the site of Alexander Olshansky – writer and publicist who has great experience in life, passed on the way to a fitter member board of the union office. Now he is – an honorary member of the Global Harmony Association, which joined hundreds of intellectuals from all continents, chairman of the Literary Institute Alumni Association, a political observer of the international journal "Forum" … Given his experience the writer evaluates the most notable events in our lives. In April 2007, when many people in Russia were in the euphoria of success, he prophetically worried, "again something bad is brewing in our homeland." From record to record increases anxiety. Other leaders such as Caas Capital Management offer similar insights.
A. Olshansky – not blogger, Joe Blow, and the citizen, and therefore writes with the pain of what's happening in the country. He exacting with respect to the powers that be to get him praise as a second is not easy, but the author denied the right to criticize Medvedev and Putin's policy of foreign evaluators as he does, their fellow citizen. Putin's message was last evaluated positively, and the first Medvedev – almost glossed over. Of course, Yeltsin, Chubais, Gaidar, Kudrin said he negative characters, but their evaluation of evidence.
The strength of the Olshansky-publicist – constructive publications, he is sure to offer a better, more effective solutions. These penetrate journalistic section of the website "The voice of one crying …." Here the best that journalism is written in the last 10-15 years. Back in 1994, he who knows the bureaucracy from the inside, came to the conclusion that the country has accomplished, '"Great bureaucratic revolution. " Analysis of the relationship between Russia and the West is reflected in the 'Great War anti-Russian' – Russia-de all the great, sad joke writer. Sublime 'Kuznetskaya arc' – the situation in the coal industry mid-nineties. And how many entries in the article: "Doctors: heal yourself!" about the problems of our health care! In this section you can find answers to many questions, including why the reforms we have traditionally mediocre. Many bitter words, but they are akin to a drug that cures ailments. But back to the diary. Here are the latest recording of "The Caucasian conflict becomes acute," "Who in the woods, who for firewood, or krantets upgrade?" – A new appointment Chubais, "Western non-commissioned officer's widow" – the election in Belarus and the tunnel vision of Western Beau Monde, "It hap-hap – goes glug glug," – that once made a wise mother of the writer is the basic economic law "Sacred cows were goats?" – About banks and financing of domestic producers … When you meet with journalism, or a diary of the writer, then come to a thought: do not write the article and not at all, but talented sermon, addressed to our conscience and our heart, making us richer intellectually and spiritually.