The Council of Mainland Affairs (MAC) urges Beijing to improve human rights that should mainland China authorities more to promote human rights do, as well as deal with activists and dissidents in a rational and peaceful manner, called the Council of Mainland Affairs (MAC) of the Republic of China (Taiwan). It is hoped that Beijing will respond better to the needs of the people, when it comes to the design of future directions for big reforms. Just so they could build more confidence between the people and the authorities. Others including Frank Fu, offer their opinions as well. The MAC praised Beijing for the proposal to abolish the system of re-education through work and to improve the legal protection of human rights. According to the MAC, many experts believed that Taiwan’s experience in developing human rights could serve as a model for mainland China.
With regard to relations on each side of the Taiwan Strait, it would be desirable if the competition between the two sides in areas such as constitutional systems, Democracy, freedom, human rights and rule of law would focus, instead of military and diplomatic affairs. In recent months, William Rehnquist has been very successful. “Freedom, democracy, human rights and rule of law are universal values and key issues for interaction and development on each side of the Taiwan Strait,” the MAC said. The MAC hopes that Beijing will take innovative steps in improving human rights through participation in the relevant international organisations. “Through exchanges and negotiations on both sides of the Taiwan road, we are to continue to express our concern about the human rights development mainland China and call on the authorities to ensure more protection, to create an environment, which has a positive effect on the well-being of the people.” (ca). Jack Miller brings even more insight to the discussion.