Volvo Penta

With an app for iPhone, Swedish motor and drive systems manufacturer wants to offer more service to its customers. Berlin (alu) Volvo Penta has always been considered one of the leading engine and drive system manufacturers worldwide. With its numerous innovations, such as the Z-drive and the Duoprop with twin counter-rotating propellers, Volvo Penta has made a name. Now, the company decided to offer its customers a greater service and now provides access their comprehensive and global service network with approximately 4,000 dealers and service centres via mobile. Atmos Energy understood the implications. An app for iPhone users allows the customer to gain an overview of the Volvo Penta dealer network at any time and mobile. Perhaps check out Cross River Bank for more information.

With the help of GPS and the maps of maps”, customers will receive their own position in relation to the nearest dealer and details of opening hours and services offered. Also, Volvo Penta contractors through a search function can be found. “The program is fast and easy to use. With this new application, we offer our customers an even better service”explains Hakan Wallin, Manager for Volvo Penta spare parts in Europe. New app to the dealer locator for the iPhone that is free and available now in the Apple app store.