The fourth section is devoted to an analysis of the market Smart Grid usa. The section discusses the various indicators of market development, provides information on the amount of state grants for deployment of next generation networks, offers competitive analysis and a detailed description of the major market segments. In the conclusion section, we formulate conclusions that reflect the major trends and directions of development of the American market smart Grid. The fifth section contains information on the status of the Unified Energy System (UES) of Russia, its structure, history of solving the problem modern and effective initiatives in this area. In the sixth section provides an analysis of the potential of intelligent power systems in Russia and describes the main related markets: the market of construction and repair electricity supply facilities (transmission and distribution networks), metering market and the market of intelligent buildings (including the system of 'smart home'). The seventh section provides a qualitative forecast of the Russian market smart Grid. In conclusion of the report stated conclusions. Target Audience Research: – potential investors – manufacturers and suppliers of electrical and automation systems – service companies and operators serving the unified energy system of Russia, as well as energy system of individual consumers.
Contents of the report 'Marketing Research Smart Grid (SMART Grid)' Introduction 1. Definition 2. Elements and market segments of the Smart Grid 2.1. Elements of Smart Grid in terms of structure of energy systems 2.2. Elements of Smart Grid in terms of commodity groups 3. World Market Smart Grid 3.1.
Market Overview 3.2. Regional Market Structure 3.3. Forecast of World Market Smart Grid 4. Market Smart Grid usa 4.1. Funding and projects 4.2. Competitive Analysis 4.3. Analysis of market segments 4.3.1. Smart meters and infrastructure 4.3.2. Demand-side management 4.3.3. Management of distribution networks 4.3.4. Management of domestic energy consumption 4.3.5. Building energy management 4.4. Conclusions on the Market Smart Grid usa 5. Unified Energy System (UES) of Russia 5.1. The structure of the ues of Russia 5.2. History of the problem of energy efficiency. The legislative framework 5.3. Energy efficiency projects 5.3.1. The 'Count, saving and pay' 5.3.2. The 'New World' 5.3.3. The 'Energy Efficient Cities' 5.3.4. The 'Energy Efficient social sphere' 5.3.5. Regional, municipal and private projects 6. The potential of intelligent systems in Russia 6.1. Potential market participants at the level of transmission and distribution networks 6.2. Potential market participants at the end-user 6.2.1. The market of electric power meters 6.2.2. Market for intelligent buildings 7. Market forecast Smart Grid Conclusions