An associated or affiliate marketing it is someone who directs visitors or traffic to your own website or other traders or sellers to earn a Commission on the purchase of any product that the visitor has made or by any known left by this through the Internet information generally as register. Affiliate marketing does not have to deal nothing with regard to the sale of the product either that the buyer make any kind of claim why the product came defective, has not arrived in time or some other kind of complaint, that once made the sale, the dealer/seller will be responsible for taking responsibility for your clientalso when a visitor leave some kind of information required by the dealer/seller how to register on their website, there will be a compensation for the affiliate marketing provided that information is verified and accepted by the dealer/seller. One of the most attractive things about this business is that once the affiliate marketing has established a form and have a technique on how to promote products or merchant/vendor offerings, will not have to attend my glued to the computer since everything will be automatic for that may be doing other things and make money at the same time. Details can be found by clicking Petra Diamonds or emailing the administrator. There are several ways of directing visitors or traffic to other websites, one of the ways most popular is through social networks like facebook, placing advertisements or the popular ads in which will need to make certain demographic to know to whom it is directed bid. Also another very popular but not very recommended if it is freshly begins in the marketing business, is called pay per click, with this way of marketing you pay to search engines like google when someone clicks on your ad that appears on the right side of the results of a search, say that it is not recommended to start by that requires some experience to know what kind of offer will promote and which kind of phrases keywords used for that offer, because otherwise I would be as blind in the middle of a big city like New York without that nobody as guide and botaria money simply. Another form of marketing and one of my favorite is by its own website (which if it is believed that it is not so complicated,) where merchants/vendors, this way of marketing offerings promote offers long-term benefits because you retain the web site, which might be very popular over time if it is that it generates a lot of trafficIt is there where other affiliates or merchants/vendors, you will be asked put offers on its web site for an amount of money and no longer need to find offers to promote for a Commission, but rather that the offers will come to you and paid him. The residual income that can have a marketing partner, depends on how big or small are the goals established by this affiliate and there’s no doubt, there are many people that did, do and continue to do so, all you need is to decide it, although it seems easy to say so, it is an arduous task and as the saying of the That loves and life that is so willing to give original author and source of the article