Ecological Park Altamiro

Space distribution of Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in the Ecological Park Altamiro de Moura Pacheco, Gois the Quirptera order comes from the Greek to cheir (hand) and pteron (wing), having the hands modified in wing, is the second in number of species of the Mammalia Classroom, surpassed only for the Rodentia order presenting biggest geographic distribution, being the bats the only mammals with real capacity of flight (Nowak 1994). This order is subdivided in two subordens, Megachiroptera and Microchiroptera. The first one understands an only family, Pteropodidae, meets distributed in the Old World, that is, in the tropical region of Africa, India, Southeast of Asia and Australia (Fenton 1992), possessing 42 sorts and 185 species (Peracchi et al. his issue. 2006). Second they subordem is represented by 17 families and 930 species in the whole world (Simmons 2005) In Brazil only meet subordem Microchiroptera with nine families (Phyllostomidae, 90 species; Molossidae, 26; Vespertilionidae, 24; Emballonuridae, 15; Thyropteridae and Mormoopidae, each with 4 species; Noctilionidae, 2; Furipteridae and Natalidae, 1 species each; Peracchi 2006, Kings et al. 2007). According to Hill & Smith (1992) the ecological importance of the bats is related directly with the alimentary habit, therefore they possess the biggest versatility of alimentary habits amongst the mammals (Kunz 1988, Ferrarezzi & Gimenez 1996, Bordignon 2006).

The insetvoros bats act as controlling of populations of insects, being able to consume amounts that arrive to correspond to a time and stocking its weight (Yaden & Morris 1975, Kings et al. 2002); the fitfagos that are nectarvoros and frugvoros contribute with the polinizao of at least 500 species of neotropical plants (Vogel 1969), the dispersion and the establishment of species of pioneering plants favoring the regeneration of degraded areas (Pijl 1972, Almeida et al. 2006). The carnivorous species are fed of small rodents, frogs, mice birds and other bats (Bredt et al. 1996).