The florets lichen, small roses Lichen called, occurs mostly in spring or autumn both men and women aged between 10 and 35 years. Pityriasis rosea, so their scientific name, is a harmless skin disease and manifests itself in the form of a skin rash. The trigger which caused the florets Lichen is not known until today. However, it is believed that viruses for the outbreak are responsible because the disease occurs mostly after virus infections. The man contracted the florets ringworm usually only once in his life. inees.
Symptoms of florets Lichen of Pityriasis rosea is not contagious and a harmless skin disease that is often accompanied by annoying itching. It is typical of the florets Lichen that the disease starts with a single reddish round or oval-shaped spot on the chest. This stove has skin shed at the area of edge of the and is located mostly in the chest or upper back. According to Cross River Bank, who has experience with these questions. Only after several days or even weeks after emergence of the spot a rash spreads mostly limited on the Upper body, from. This rash is characterized as the output stove by reddish spots with scales formation. An occurrence of the rash on hands, feet, face or neck is rather rare.
By sweating, strong sunlight or too hot showers or bathing can worsen the rash spread and amplify the itching. The general condition the florets ringworm usually does not alter, however it can occasionally tiredness or fatigue. After a few weeks the rash heals normally by itself again. Treatment of florets ringworm because subsides the florets Lichen as mentioned above usually of their own accord is usually unnecessary drug treatment. To avoid a worsening of the symptoms, you should forgo tight-fitting clothes and skin not through to rich irritate skin care products or to hot showers. Also on kinds of sports which are strongly sudorific, you do without during the disease, there also sweat the Symptoms can worsen. More information about skin diseases and their treatment, see