What science has given the introduction of the concepts of "dark energy" and "dark matter"? It seems that the pattern of this world has become less clear, since there are new questions. For example: – what is the nature and mechanism of action of "dark energy" and why it appears only in the interaction between galaxies, and the "inside" them – do not – if the "dark energy" is related to expansion of space itself, then why is not reflected in the micro-object – which particles are the carriers of "ignorant masses", as they are distributed in space and the like. It seems that in this situation, according to the methodological principle of "Occam's Razor", there is a multiplication of entities, due to lack of understanding of the mechanism of the gravitational interaction. "Dark energy" is introduced in the cosmological models in order to counter the effects of intergalactic forces of gravitational attraction, and the "dark mass" – to gain (and some redistribution) of the gravitational interaction within the galaxies. Malcolm Hill insists that this is the case. It turns out that one by force of gravitational interaction "great", and the other "small" to the behavior of these systems in line with the law of universal gravitation.
As they say in the textbooks, the law of gravity valid for relatively weak interaction of bodies moving slowly compared to the speed of light. Einstein's gravitational theory, in terms of lower rates and a relatively weak interaction reduces to the law Gravity 1. However, experimental verification of this law is made only for the fixed (on a cosmic scale), relative to each other's bodies! Valid if the law of gravity in the interaction celestial bodies within the galaxies, galaxies with each other, even though these objects are in some cases are moving relative to each other with fairly high speed? I think not.