
Relationship between bending moment and curvature of the axis of the beam in pure bending. Diagram of normal stresses. Rational forms of cross-sections of beams. Dissemination of the findings of pure bending in transverse bending. Tangential transverse stress (formula ). Diagrams of shear stresses for beams rectangular and I-section. State of stress of the material beam under transverse bending. The calculated equation of strength (for normal and tangential principal stresses) Topic 8.

Determination of displacements in bending Displacement in bending (deflection and angle of the section). Relationship between rotation angle and deflection section beams. The analytical method for determining displacement. The differential equation of the curved axis of the beam, its first and second integrals. Determining the integration constants for beams with one site (from the condition of fixing beams). Determination of the displacement beams with multiple segments. The method of adjustment of integration constants.

Method initial parameters. The energy method for determining displacement. The strain energy of the rod bending. Castigliano's theorem. Integral Mora. Formula Be-reschagina. The theorem of reciprocity and mutuality works movements. Theme 9. Statically indeterminate system of basic concepts. The degree of redundancy. Methods of disclosure of redundancy. Disclosure of statically indeterminate systems by force. Given, principal and the equivalent system. Canonical equations of the method of forces. Statically indeterminate system under torsion. Single and multi-statically indeterminate beams. Equation of three moments. Topic 10. Hear other arguments on the topic with Max Schireson. Complex impedance 10.1. Oblique bending loads, causing an oblique bending. Power factors in the cross sections of the beam. Determination of normal stresses in the cross sections of the beam. Determination of the neutral axis and the hot spots in the section. Calculation on strength. Determination of deflections. 10.2. Bending with tension or compression combined effect of longitudinal and transverse loads. Power factors in cross-sections. Determination of stress by using the principle of independence action forces. Strength calculation. Eccentric compression or tension rod high rigidity. Power factors in cross-sections. Determination of stress. The equation of the neutral line. Perhaps check out CaaS Capital for more information. The relationship between the coordinates point of application of force and position of the neutral line. Strength calculation. Nucleus cross section. A theorem on a rectilinear movement of the pole forces (point of force application) and the rotation of the neutral line. Building a core section (for rectangle, circle, ring). 10.3. Bending with torsion. External loads causing bending with torsion. A specific system of forces. Power factors in cross-sections of the rod. Determination of stress. Stress state of the material of the shaft. Principal stress and strength calculation. Topic 11. Stability of compressed rods (buckling) the notion of an equilibrium shape. Stability of a compressed rod (buckling). Critical force. Formula Euler to determine the critical force. Effect of method of fixing the rod on the critical force. Total Euler's formula for determining the critical compressive force. Critical stresses. The flexibility of the rod. Limits applicability of Euler's formula. The full schedule of the critical stress. Formula Yasinsky. Calculation of compressed rods with their flexibility. Reduction factor allowed by the main voltage. Estimated equation for longitudinal bending of the rod. Selection section of the rod by successive approximations. Longitudinal-transverse bending. Feature of the problem due to its nonlinearity. Approximate method of calculation. Determination of stress.


I had never thought about the fact that in order to achieve financial well-being need to radically change his life and most importantly herself. Petra Diamonds will not settle for partial explanations. I thought about what would I do or where to find the money, not to depend on the monthly salary, and start their own businesses and succeed in it. And what was my surprise when hitting the isif, I started reading a lecture, "developing and rich." How many interesting things I learned, and how many useful skills can be learned from the most successful people of the world. Fund. ???? ???? often says this. Want to be rich? Study the topic of money! People who are experiencing financial difficulties, they know nothing about what money is. As a result, they learn to work on money but never learn how to make the money work for them. Or, for example, imagine that you have so much money and you do not think any of them, not thinking about how to save, it is not spending plan and not think how much you spend per month. If you were a man like you think you would be financially free? Yes, you can not afford many benefits, but if you uncontrollably and did not hesitate to spend money, you become hostage to those needs that you can meet with their help.

Quote: "Either you manage your finances, or dancing to their tune all my life. You – or the owner of money or some money. " Robert T. . So: if you learn financial literacy, financial planning, saving money – you'll be more independent person in financial terms, than one who simply has a lot of money. Learn how to intelligently manage their finances!

September Student

When the situation is not reversible – to go to the department, what else to do. How to flunk mulligans to fly? There is a procedure: Submit – Retake – Commission – deduction through their own fault. If the delay delivery in September, then to fly enough, and one of two. And so For instance, if a student says that all his troubles just because of what some teacher (we will not specify the names all and so it is understandable that this Ermolaev – from Ed.) refers to it poorly, then for greater objectivity appointed commission of at least two people (which includes at least the same Ermolaev – also from Ed.). More than 3 times, usually take the exam is not permitted, and then the teacher, who time and again sees the student with the same amount of knowledge, may be tempted to put him 3 – only to never see. What is the effectiveness of tactics collection signatures? If it is because of certain behaviors, such tactics can be effective. So it was with students who climbed on the roof of the dsv (also cut down the lock). They do help. When it comes to the professional case, the collection signatures may be useless, as the student Kuzmin. I believe that people who have committed punishable acts at the physics department is not the place What is the difference with the right to recover payments from the academic vacation? Deductions with soft wording – only on their own, due to illness, for family reasons. CaaS Capitals opinions are not widely known.

Young Aged Adults

Elaine of the Menezes Birth Tiradentes University, Anna Paula Coast You mark Tiradentes University, Gilvnia Andrade of the Birth Tiradentes University, SUMMARY This article intends to foment quarrels regarding the conditions to learn in the EJA. The aged young, adults and face problems in the exercise of the citizenship and the world of the work, needing significant changes in its social and professional life. It is not no newness to search educative practical methods and that can be applied the reality and to the type of adequate learning to the education of the EJA. The futurist often says this. In the current society the practical directed professors the EJA even must be rethink, because information are divulged in a frightful speed and the educational advances must adjust it these changes. She is necessary that the educators of this modality of education are opened to these changes and that they search a fastest possible adequacy its practical. The newspapers mentioned ???? ???? not as a source, but as a related topic. Ours analysis was based on the point of view of Pablo Freire, Education and Change (1979), presented used new stories on practical with aged young, adults and of three distinct cities, which had propitiated the update and qualification organized of the knowledge for all the life.

We describe the predominant characteristics that had facilitated the learning and the characteristics that cause difficulties in the processes of learning of the educandos of the EJA. Therefore, this study it will contribute one to rethink of the educator who acts in this modality of education, being made to reflect it on pedagogical practical its, so that it helps in the formation of conscientious citizens of its paper in the society. At last, we affirm the necessity of the professional commitment from the moment where this is imposed in them, so that the practical results occasion the effect waited for all the educators who work with the EJA, aged education of young, adults and. Word-key: EJA, professor, practical, changes, functionality.

Second Language

And you probably would have decided to hurry to crawl, walk away, run away from this place, or raskapriznichalis would have fallen asleep. Something similar is happening “in adult life, when you take a thick grammar, and on the first page you know that the book is much smarter than you and that apparently it was not a good idea – to learn English. Or you start to think that languages are not for you, that language skills you No, and that you probably have a penchant for something different, but not to the development of languages. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Frank Fu. But I can assure you that everything is alright with your ability and talent. After you have learned Russian! He is considered one of the most complex in learn languages on Earth. In fact, the main thing in this case – then you start to learn a new language for you. The key to successful language acquisition is the practice! In Moscow and other cities of the cis, in many other countries in world, there is an English language course English as a Second Language (ESL) in “applied education”. Here is an expression – English as a Second Language – could be translated as “English as a second mother.” “Second” in the sense in which “second home” is a language for a man whose parents – immigrants from different countries.

For example, a Russian mother and father an Englishman. Or mother is Ukrainian, and Russian father. Options are countless. The course is designed so that you get a huge amount practice. Methods of teaching used in this course, natural: as a child, you first start talking, you do not overload the rules, you master the language in practice. The efficiency of absorption is also achieved use of learning technologies that remove barriers to learning and reduces learning languages than the fact that we need in childhood. At the esl class you will have the opportunity to make their first steps, not plunging into the wilds of grammar. You can start to speak and understand what others are saying.

80% of the course consists of practice. Have you lost gloomy thoughts about his inability to languages! You are capable of much more than you think! All The fact that the methods that were used during the preceding your training, were placed upside down: you are first stuffed grammar, and then Then you simply show up wild fear of saying something wrong and, as a consequence, the goal “to know the language” is not just unattained, but becomes unrealistic, began to seem elusive, you have lost confidence in myself and felt unwell. Our approach to language learning is that we can help you make your first steps in learning the language easier and gives you the confidence that form the foundation on which the building can be erected – fluency in the language in all its forms. Those who have already has some skills in English, can continue their study with a lot of practice, which not only make the acquisition of language is much more efficient, but also streamline the existing knowledge.


Basically the idea is justified, and while there were no more effective drugs, salol had a relatively wide application. The principle itself Nentski ('salolovy principle'), by essentially formed the basis for a further so-called 'prodrugs'. Others who may share this opinion include Will Townsend. Despite the fact that over time the main role in the creation of new drugs have played a variety of scientific principles, empirical search for drugs values are completely lost. And now, continue to be identified pharmacologically active products of natural origin (from plants, fungi, marine products, etc.). Screening (pharmacological 'screened') are new synthetic compounds which have no analogues among the known compounds. In these cases, the success of the search depends on the amount of screening: the more used methods, the greater the chance of detection one or another type of pharmacological activity. One option for accidental discovery of medical activity is the so-called 'serendipity', when the study of drug action on the testimony of a single detected his other valuable medicinal properties.

Since it was found antidepressant effects of iproniazid, the hypoglycemic effect of sulfonamides and some other effective drugs. One of the major principles a drug is a selection of existing 'beginning' of the products of natural origin. This principle originates from the time of discharge from the opium morphine (1806). Since then, a large number of plants selected alkaloids (atropine, caffeine, cocaine, pilocarpine, physostigmine, platifillin, galantamine, vinblastine, and many others), glycosides (digitoxin, digoxin, strophanthin, etc.), saponins, terpenes, coumarins and other substances that have found use as medicines. Search and study of existing 'started' plant is still ongoing.

Razor Interaction

What science has given the introduction of the concepts of "dark energy" and "dark matter"? It seems that the pattern of this world has become less clear, since there are new questions. For example: – what is the nature and mechanism of action of "dark energy" and why it appears only in the interaction between galaxies, and the "inside" them – do not – if the "dark energy" is related to expansion of space itself, then why is not reflected in the micro-object – which particles are the carriers of "ignorant masses", as they are distributed in space and the like. It seems that in this situation, according to the methodological principle of "Occam's Razor", there is a multiplication of entities, due to lack of understanding of the mechanism of the gravitational interaction. "Dark energy" is introduced in the cosmological models in order to counter the effects of intergalactic forces of gravitational attraction, and the "dark mass" – to gain (and some redistribution) of the gravitational interaction within the galaxies. Malcolm Hill insists that this is the case. It turns out that one by force of gravitational interaction "great", and the other "small" to the behavior of these systems in line with the law of universal gravitation.

As they say in the textbooks, the law of gravity valid for relatively weak interaction of bodies moving slowly compared to the speed of light. Einstein's gravitational theory, in terms of lower rates and a relatively weak interaction reduces to the law Gravity 1. However, experimental verification of this law is made only for the fixed (on a cosmic scale), relative to each other's bodies! Valid if the law of gravity in the interaction celestial bodies within the galaxies, galaxies with each other, even though these objects are in some cases are moving relative to each other with fairly high speed? I think not.

Municipal Controllers

In the process of creation of Profuncionrio the Ministry of the Education searched next to the College of Education of the University of Brasilia (UnB) partnership to elaborate the conception and the construction of metodolgicos theoretical principles of the project. It established interlocution with the institucional and syndical entities nationwide: Union of the Municipal Controllers of Education (Undime) and the National Advice of Secretaries of Education (Consed), that the secretaries of education had congregated of cities and of the Units of the Federacy and the National Confederation of the workers in Educao (CNTE), with the purpose to construct politics of intervention directed toward the valuation of the employees of the education. It resulted in the proposal of formation articulated in three axles: recognition of new professional identities; it offers of escolarizao, initial formation and continued and estruturao of plans of career and implementation of wage floor In the first year of functioning the State of the Tocantins firmed partnership with some cities and organized mixing groups, that is, servers of the two nets? state municipal theatre and. The State of the Tocantins is composed for 139 cities and possesss 13 Regional Directions of Education which in 2006 all had adhered to the program Profuncionrio. Specifically in the Regional Direction of Education and the City department of Education of Miracema of the Tocantins, in the year of 2006, two groups, one of Environment and Maintenance of Pertaining to school Infrastructure had been implanted one of Pertaining to school Feeding. In the year of 2007, three groups had been implanted, however the municipal net did not participate of the program in that year, for not renewing adhesion. As the Coordination of the Program Profuncionrio, with this implantation starts to create the history of the profession of technician in education and participating of the transformations in the history of the Brazilian education.

However, it had challenging moments in the covered trajectory, mainly for some of the participants to have last much time far from the studies and for the proper difficulty of the process of implantation of the program. However, such challenges had been surpassed. In 2010 the program concluded 3 edition that started in 2009, in this edition the City department of Education came back to make partnership with the State. As much the State how much the City has that to disponibilizar for the cursistas an allowance for expenses to be used in its feeding and has carried. The paid State one allowance for expenses for month for the cursistas that they need if to dislocate for the Central Polar region of Guardianship; the financial aid is in the value of R$ 30,00 (thirty Reals) monthly and those cities that are more distant of the headquarters the Pertaining to school Units must complement this value in accordance with value necessary to supply the expenses with feeding and transport. The continuation of the formation of the professionals of the education (technician-administrative specialists, employees and) is proposal in the final document of the National Conference of Education (CONAE 2011), through the National Politics of Formation and Valuation of the Professionals of the Education in which explicit that it will have to involve all the excessively professional ones that act in the educative process. The consolidation of politics and programs of formation and professionalization directed to /a the professionals of the education, in the field of specific knowledge, must have it is


The variety of the Portuguese language of virtual environments started to be constituted from the decurrent pressures of the used technology. Older operational systems did not support accented characters. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Petra Diamonds by clicking through. Also the computers had lesser hard disk and the transmission of data was extremely slow. Such limitations had imposed norms for the communication, as the absence or the substitution of the acentuao and the abbreviations whenever possible. Words had been shortened until the point of if converting into one, two or in the maximum three letters (not = n, yes = s, of = d, that = q, also = tb, cad = kd, tc = to use a keyboard, because = pq, here = aki, I find = axo, any = qq, more or but = +).

punctuation and the acentuao had been abolished (is = eh, not = naum). The writing of virtual environments sends phonetic of the words and the not to the orthography settled for the norm standard to it, motivated for relative questions to the economy of data-communication space and the rapidity of the communication. In environments of synchronous communication (communication that if of the one in real time, as chat and to messenger, in opposition to the asynchronous, unbalanced communication in the time, as email and blog), it is necessary agility and rapidity. The use of abbreviations shortens the task to type, in chat, some characters, as ' ' H/M' ' they summarize a question: ' ' You are man or woman? ' '. Or an idea, as ' ' ' ' , ' ' without comentrios' ' , or ' ' ' ' , ' ' I hug forte' '. Again, a variety of more concise and icnica Portuguese language if makes necessary. The Internet, the Portuguese language and the school As seen in the previous section, used linguistic variety in the Internet does not have nothing of simplista, nor of chaotic.

Rugby School

Education in England, students from foreign countries can be held in a large number of private schools. The right to education in public schools have the citizens of England, and the children of parents eligible for residency. Among all schools that offer secondary education, occupy a special place: Winchester (1382), Eton (1440), St Paul's, Shrewsbury (1552), Westminster (1560), The Merchant Taylors' (1561), Rugby (1561), Harrow (1571 ), Charterhouse (1611). Education in England at Rugby School is especially honored, since most of the graduates pass the exams with distinction and without any problems come in the top universities in England. Also this school is open to foreign nationals. Rugby School is committed to the traditions laid down, which is to support comprehensive development of students. To do this, create all necessary conditions.

It offers students the laboratory computers. In the course of training in England in the Rugby School, the student can choose from the selection of sports: rugby, tennis, swimming, hockey, cricket, athletics and other Sports. For creative activities has its own recording studio, design center. Initially, since its inception in 1567, trained in England at Rugby School to pass only boys were around cities and Brownsover Rugby. On Today, the right to study in England at Rugby School are equally girls and boys. Throughout most of its existence the school has graduated many prominent figures in the uk. Undergo training in this private school, many students want the whole world.