Dimensioning and certification of solar thermal systems solar thermal systems make a growing contribution to the ecological, economic, and renewable energy. Solar thermal systems for water heating, space heating and cooling has become the focus of policy, manufacturers and consumers. Choosing the right solar system are technical performance, service life and reliability of the products in the foreground. The knowledge requirements on functionality, design, testing and quality House offers the technology in these solar thermal technical seminars. Solar heating systems – heating cooling quality, the 4th 05.10.2010 in Munich, in addition to the use of solar thermal systems in single-family homes are the focus at apartment buildings and local heat supply systems, solar cooling and solar process heat making. If you would like to know more then you should visit The futurist. This seminar is aimed at architects, engineers, planners, installers for heating, air and building technology. Participants get an in-depth overview on the different applications of solar thermal energy and appreciate their potential a.
Then they are can economically dimension smaller solar thermal install avoiding pitfalls, and evaluate the performance and quality of components and systems. “Details and registration: htd/veranstaltungen/W-H130-10-053-0.html testing solar thermal systems and solar panels” on October 6-7, 2010 in Stuttgart the variety of different labels and quality label even for professionals makes it hard, to characterize the requirements as well as the specific properties of individual characters. This practical seminar is aimed at professionals from development, production, marketing and distribution of collector manufacturers, component and solar thermal system providers. The participants receive, compact and comprehensive, the current status of the relevant European and international standards and learn the benefits of quality and performance testing, as well as the conditions, the course and the need for this testing and certification of solar systems and their components. With a visit to the ITW test facilities. Details and registration: htd/veranstaltungen/W-H130-10-058-0.html