Industrial Revolution

On the other hand, in set with educating, the educator constructs the knowledge. The interdisciplinaridade fits, in this case in specifies, the task to guide the learning process to make possible to educating the capacity to recognize the characteristics of the lived experience, to describe and to explain the development of the conscience citizen in its social context. This citizenship is directly on to the questions of belonging of the individual while personal identity, regional identity and national identity. ' ' The interdisciplinaridade starts for the joint planning, area of the knowledge, and if it materialize for the cooperation between disciplinas' ' (Curricular Referencial Lies of Rio Grande 2009) Research carried through in manuals of Didactics of History destined to the professor, and published in Brazil in the period between 1917 and 2004, evidences the shock between what it was called ' ' traditional learning ' ' ' ' learning criticizes of the Histria' '. (Schmidt. 2009.

p.22) In this perspective, we see the entailed process of education to the positivistas traditional standards, that separately aim at to the construction of facts and great names and that it does not value the trajectory of the historical context where the individual if inserts, isolating what was the base of the construction of the nation and the development of the education in Brazil. In it I begin the education it exclusively served only for the formation of more efficient and disciplined laborers and was based on the bourgeois standards of the industrial society, that had its bigger representation with the Industrial Revolution in century XVIII. In this period this industrial bourgeoisie perceives that the laborer who frequents the school becomes a more docile laborer, more efficient. At the same time where the industrialization process if places as composer of the social standards and that the education would have to follow way the same, that is, the society and the education would follow the requirements of the ruling class bourgeois European Christian occidental person.

Create One Blog

How to have success in the Internet? To have one blog of success does not only mean to leave being esrevendo a series information and publishing for the net, but yes to look for information that are really excellent and qualified for its public-target. To speak in technology is the same that to be in parallel with the social, digital and professional evolution, therefore everything walks and progresses in set. You can have doubts of as to create one blog or simply nor to know to the certainty on oque goes to write in the net of the Internet. Either oque you to write, believe, you exist sedentas people for its knowledge to use to advantage to the maximum its information. Tips for one blog of success: – The subject Loves and dominates that treats – Either prompt – Either critical with you yourselves – It respects other people’s opinions – its Brings up to date blog – Searchs for new features and knowledge Exist 7 good practical ones for blogueiros that must be followed if you search for quality, are very important to understand the process of creation and evolution of one blog. It does not wait millions or thousand of visits in the first months, after all of accounts success without a good dose of work does not exist. To create one blog of success is very interesting, visits the WordPress Site and confers other tips on the subject, beyond excellent contents found in proper the webartigos.

Isolated Pore

For the Visual and Dimensional of Welds in welded meetings and used Assay Norm PR-059/2004, that has as acceptance criteria: 1. Meeting of top, to consider unacceptable: Trinca, Lack of fusing, Lack of Penetration, Concavity with bigger depth that 2mm, Insufficient Deposition, Isolated Pore, Grouped Porosity, Mordedura in the face or root with bigger depth that 1mm, Overlapping, Opening of Arc, Respingo, Disaligns superior mento 2mm, Embicamento or the 5 superior daily pay-deformation ? , Perforation, Height of the reinforcement of the face and the penetration of the root above of the specified one in the table following: Table of specification of the height of the reinforcement of the face and the penetration of the root nominal Thickness of the base metal maximum Height e. 6,4mm 1,6mm 6,4mm < e. 12,7mm 2,4mm 12,7mm < e. 25,4mm 4,0mm and > 25,4mm 4,8mm 2. Meetings of angle to consider unacceptable: Bigger difference between legs that 3,2mm, Dimensions of legs below of the indicated minimum value in the table below: Table of specification of difference of legs nominal Thickness of the soul minimum Value of leg e. 9,5mm 9,5mm 9,5mm < e. 12,7mm 12,5mm 12,7mm < < 15,9mm 16,0mm and > 15,9mm 22,0mm DEVELOPMENT 1.

Steel Carbon the welding and normally carried through with the located application of heat and/or plastic deformation in the together one to be welded. As result, we have significant alterations in the properties of the metal base. These alterations depend on the occured reactions during the heating/cooling of the fusing puddle. This rank, and of great importance for the professionals who atuarao in the construction and manufacture of the project the knowledge of the materials of base used for the construction/manufacture. The steel and one bind iron-carbon that will count generally between 0,008% ties 2.11% of carbon, beyond other elements that result of the manufacture processes. gotten from the iron gusa I eliminate that and produced in the high ovens of the siderurgical plants in the sector of it would aciaria.

Information System

(MARTIAN; YOU MARK, P. 93, 2006) Currently, at a time which the knowledge and the information are factors of utmost importance for any organization or work, the Security of the Information is a prerequisite one that it serves as subsidy for all and any system of information, has a dependence relation enters the security of the information and its elements. The confidencialidade and the privacy offer support to the prevention of not authorized revelation of information, as well as keep given occult the not authorized and unknown users, not giving access privilege. The integrity prevents the not authorized modification of the information. The availability of the support to the construction of a trustworthy and available access the information. the authenticity understands what it could be called of final responsibility, searching to make the verification of the identity of a person or external agent of a system, with the purpose to assure the origin integrity. The cited elements previously aim at to promote the systems of information against the most varied types of threats as, for example, in espionage cases, it has embezzled, modification of information or even though in cases of modification of information or usurpation of the information. It is essential to stand out that the threats can be of diverse natures, them generally are classified as passive, active, malicious and not malicious threats.

To deal with these males, one becomes necessary the definition of politics and mechanisms of security that aim at the prevention, preventing that invaders undesirable violate the security mechanisms, beyond the recovery of the actual damages for diverse problems of the system. Some questions of operational nature appear in result of the necessity to provide have supported the security of systems of information, are financial, cognitivo, metafrico and legal text questions. 2 ANALYSIS OF RISKS the Analysis of Risks is a basic process in the organization, a time that identifies to the occurrence threats most probable, verifying the found fragility and the vulnerability, making possible the taking of efficient steps against the suffered damages.

Raysa Oliveira

Stack is one of the structures of data, where its basic idea is that all the access to its elements is made from the top. In this manner, when a new element is introduced in the stack it starts to be the element of the top, as well as all the removal of the stack is initiated solely for the top. The elements of the stack alone can be removed in the inverse order to the order where they had been introduced: the first one that it leaves finishes is it that it entered (to describe this strategy acronym LIFO is used – last in, first out). The stack is composed for five operations that disponibilizam the manipulation and the access to the information of the same one. The operations are: to create, to insert, to verify, to remove to eliberar. The operation to create stack consists basically of inicializar it as NULL, that it means null. It is important to remember that for each bred stack its inicializao is essential, therefore this null element has the function to inform the end of its stack.

The function to insert, objective to pile up a new element in the top, for in such a way is necessary that a space is placed in the memory and that, of preference, either a dynamic allocation, therefore thus you will only use the amount of memory that really necessary. The function to verify, aims at to inquire if the stack is empty. The operation to remove, unpiles an element of the top, that is, it removes the top of its stack. finishes it operation is to liberate the used memory for the use of the stack, generally is made with the function free (). The structure of data (stack) widely is used in elaboration of programs and, an example of known use of stack more is the proper stack of execution of language C. The local 0 variable of the functions are made use in a stack and a function alone has access the 0 variable of the function that is in the top, not being able to have access the local 0 variable of other functions.

Software Development Kit

Third fact: ASP.NETpodderzhivaet several language of choice for application development of a language does not affect the fact that it can be done. And all because no matter what language was used, all code you can create a. NET – the usual command-line utility that displays in a console message 'Hello World'. Now let's look at it from the other side. The following shows will look like IL-code for the Main ():. Method private hidebysig static void Main (string args) cil managed with Visual Studio and. NET SDK (Software Development Kit – a toolkit of software development). When the utility ildasm.exe loaded, you need to take advantage of available in the menu File (File) command Open (Open) and select the desired DLL-or EXE-file that was created with.

NET. Meanwhile, Who needs a powerful disassembler that can try to take advantage of the wonderful (and also free) program, Reflector, which is available for download at the following address:. Thanks to the volunteers set up the plug modules, it allows you to make a chart, analyze and decompile the IL-code in any assembly. Since the client never gets compiled code file, the client is not possible to disassemble it, so issues of privacy and control code is not an obstacle for developers ASP.NET. Fourth fact: ASP.NETobsluzhivaetsya CLR Perhaps the most important aspect of the mechanism of ASP.NET is that it operates within the runtime CLR. The entire medium. NET Framework – that is, all namespaces and classes of applications – called managed code.

The main advantages of CLR: Automatic memory management and garbage collection. Each time an application creates an instance of an object reference type (reference-type object). CLR allocates memory space for it in the managed heap. However, you never have to clean the memory manually. Once the object reference goes out of scope (or application ends), the object becomes available for garbage collection.