Rough Skin

Your skin loses its elasticity and coarsens, usually as a result of exposure to any active agents. Coarsening of the skin can also be caused by disease, metabolic disorder or vitamin deficiency. In this case, if our proposed methods do not help, consult your doctor. The cause coarsening of the skin may be even cleaning and processing of fruits and berries that are so often do in summer and autumn. Frank Fus opinions are not widely known. You can soften the skin, if put your hands on 10 minutes warm mashed potatoes. After that, rinse your hands in the acidulated with vinegar water. You can put your hands on such a mixture: Grate a potato, add 1 tsp. honey, few drops of lemon or any other vegetable or fruit juice. poration.

You can put your hands on the raw potato slices. From time to time make such a procedure, and soften your skin and turns white. At Caas Capital Management you will find additional information. Rough peeling skin after washing can clean cucumber, and then – with a mixture of glycerin and lemon juice, taken in equal proportions. You can wash your hands in a decoction of oatmeal. Rough skin to soften and hands well with fresh juicy apple. Vigorously for several minutes a slice of peeled apple do a hand massage. After that, wash your hands and brush with cream.

From rough skin to help fine trays of pickled cabbage, potato broth and whey, after which it is necessary lubricate the skin with fat cream and put his hands on woolen gloves. Trays can be used for vegetable oil, each time with the same dose, after which the wet hand towel. All these procedures are better prodelyvat before bedtime. If the skin is not callous on the hands and elbows, we recommend you proceed as follows: warm up to body temperature vegetable oil and lower the elbows in it for 5 minutes. Then rub elbows with a pumice stone to remove dead cells. After this procedure, apply a skin cream or greasy elbows at the same vegetable oil to restore skin softness and smoothness. For the bath can be used and a mixture of 1 liter of hot soapy water, which dissolved 50 g of soda. After the bath rub elbows with a pumice stone, and repeat the process 2 more times. Not recommended for mitigating the hands of glycerol. As a rule, it is used in mixtures with other substances, as in pure as he gives a brief spurious and removed from the skin at the first washing your hands. In addition, one of the unpleasant effects of glycerol may be yellowing of the skin.

Tibet School

The technique itself was kept a closely guarded secret, passed down from generation to generation, through their elected people – “the conductors of learning”. Today’s Tibet school is largely practiced the ancient methods of treatment and prescriptions are not affected by time and scientific progress in medicine. Some of them are pretty well known in Europe. All current treatments for gemstones can be divided into three main areas. Stone color therapy is based on the effects of color fluctuations of stones on the psychophysical status of healthy and diseased human organism. The origins of this method – in India. The whole body man is divided into the chakras, which correspond to a specific color of stones. From a physical point of view, this therapy is quite explainable and understandable.

The eye converts the electromagnetic wave oscillatory motion of light in color. The man, unfortunately, can only see a small range of these vibrations within the spectrum of basic eight colors – red, orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue, blue and purple. White integrates all of the above. Depending on the perception of color can be divided into cold and warm, soothing and irritating, deep and superficial, joyful and depressing, and so on the basis of the contact are lithotherapy physico-chemical properties of minerals. These include, first of all, invisible electromagnetic radiation of rocks in the range of ultraviolet and infrared waves, electrostatic field, magnetism, elementary composition, and as “radioactive energy” negligible “force equal to the biological dose of the human body. It is necessary to know the absolute values of these energies.

And besides, have highly skilled operator, especially when working with low-level radioactive minerals (fluorite, carnelian, Charoite, etc). So do not self-advised. Another very important form of stone. First of all, it is due to the configuration of the body. Sometimes for better interaction minerals abrade, make an ointment. Then at the forefront in the treatment appears chemistry of minerals. For example, a plate of malachite excellent eye fatigue, and the shadows, prepared from powder of stone, protects against development of cataracts. It is not understandable is the use of some jewels (especially insoluble) as energizers of water. Kristalloterapiya – based on natural energy crystals and, as a rule, is a non-contact therapy. Have great power, not all crystals. Their energy can increase or decrease, but the original is preserved much longer than a purchase. The main healers – quartz and its varieties, tourmaline, topaz, precious corundum, beryl, etc. The physical meaning of kristalloterapii scientists have not yet been established. Outside of scientific knowledge are the mystical properties of stones. The border between the possible and does pass through our consciousness. Doubtless is only natural the world of nature around us, which is also unlimited and changeable, as his understanding of each person individually. – Traditional medicine Folk remedies treatment.