Ways To Use Medicinal Plants

Ways to use medicinal plants among the people observed that the effect of one and the same plant on the body may differ, depending on the characteristics of an organism. At the same time noted that each plant has its peculiarities of the various organs or their functions. In addition, people believe that the effect of one plant is less efficient than the combined number of plants taken from the same group of them. Eliot Horowitz might disagree with that approach. This may explain the fact that wherever it comes to combating the persistent and long-suffering people apply a mixture of herbs and nebezrezultatno. Consider appropriate for diseases associated main ailment (Complications of the disease). It is not just about the different working principles in different plants, but also that the active principles of one plant are exempt for their work or are stimulated by some other substances plant is not inherently, can be directly drug. For complex diseases, the effect of treatment one chooses not to herbal medicine, and their interaction.

It certainly should be considered when studying effectiveness of folk medicinal plants. Interaction in the body began healing herbs are very difficult, but study them – certainly a rewarding task. Medicinal plants used in people both internally and externally. In a n t r v d of in a I t r a t e n with myself. 1) In the form of juice squeezed from the plant, 2) infusions of plants, and 3) extracts from roots, bark, seeds and fruits with water, wine, vodka, alcohol, and 4) the powder of dried plant parts.