Tchibo Tax Software

If the IRS does not pay, give it back money Mannheim, cameramurderer”19.January, 2010. Tchibo offers 27 January for 9.99 Euro in all branches and selected depots the Tchibo tax software tax-taxi 2010 on the academic Association. Is online the order under control from January 19, possible as a download without shipping costs. Manufacturer of award-winning software (very good Stiftung Warentest, 3/2008; Preis-Leistungs-Sieger in ComputerBild 4/2009) is working with the academic community. The program includes all important facilities and forms and quickly leads to the maximum tax refund with a mouse click. A money-back guarantee is included only with Tchibo in the price: the IRS paid no taxes, the buyer gets back its purchase price.

Customers who reserve for the successive version to secure yourself a price guarantee: the next tax software SteuerTaxi of the academic working group, for the tax return 2010 again for 9.99 Euros plus shipping costs. About the academic Association is the academic working group of independent information service provider around the issues of taxes, money and law for over 30 years. “Under the motto knowledge what to do” the Publisher from Mannheim offers guides and software for consumers. Daily tips and trivia will find people interested in the Internet portals,, and Working with the academic community is part of the international publishing company Wolters Kluwer.

In Germany, Wolters Kluwer Germany is on the market for 20 years. Around 1,000 staff are employed at 23 locations. “About Tchibo Tchibo stands for a unique business model: it combines highest competence of roasting coffee, coffee in the coffee bars and an innovative, weekly changing diversity of consumer goods with services such as travel, mobile offers, and Tchibo plus”. With its more than 12,000 employees, the company achieved a turnover of 3.2 billion euros 2008. While it has through a multi-channel distribution system with own stores, nationwide presence in the trade and strong Internet and mail order. Tchibo is the fourth-largest producer of coffee, roasted coffee market leader in five European countries and leader in the European except market for coffee in the world.