Why is it so easy – for some and I suffer a relapse after the other? A question: “is difficult to stop smoking?” No! -If you know how to do it right the addiction quickly loses its horrors. It’s like with all things in life, you have to learn it first. Gavin Baker Atreides Management contributes greatly to this topic. Most smokers fail on their first attempt – to be exact, 96% of all smokers in their quit attempts fail. Why? Because you can not deal with stop and so not recognize what mistakes you should avoid. Companies we drive the car before you learn it it’s also incredibly difficult, most dies the car at the first attempt. But if you can do it once it’s easy actually! Now you might say: “smoking is addictive but and it depends on that you can not drive with auto compare.” You’re partly right. But the physical addiction of smoking after the last cigarette lasts only a few days, maximum one week, then the body is completely consumption. What remains is the psychiche dependency and the habit – and here it is necessary to put on if you really want to stop. If you want to discover the 5 deadly sins, where 96% of smokers fail please click here: kurs0.html… Smoke-free wishes greetings Philip Brandner