Without doubts, the key words are the most important factor when it is to plan a positioning strategy Web. For this reason to learn to interpret the metric ones is one of the points most important to assure the correct decision making as far as the strategies positioning that are selected. The key point, with respect to the metric ones of the key words, is to be able to evaluate the many dimensions that intercross when measuring the effectiveness of the key words. It is unique when one considers all the involved variables that we will be able to have an exact idea of which they are the most suitable words for our campaigns. In principle, we will see the amount of visits that each key word or phrase drift to our site.
These numbers are available, for example in the Analytical ones of Google. Simply, we entered the page, we go away to " Sources of Trfico" , and in the part inferior, of the right side of the screen, we will find the phrases key that they have derived traffic to our site, that is to say, the queries from the users (consultations in the finders). Clicamos in " to see all the informe" , and we were with the list of words and phrases in its totality. Here we will see important information. Firstly, we will see the amount of visits that each word has taken. Doubtlessly, we will tend to think that whatever more visits better, but this not always is certain. It can happen that a consultation takes many visits, but the average time of them is not significant.
For example, we imagine a Web site that develops software. It could happen that the phrase " software gratis" it takes great amount of visits. But this is not one of the benefits that the page offers, surely the average time of each visit will be minimum.