Modelo of composition of the application? model used in the first periods of training of the engineering of software, destined esteem effort and stated period in fast developments; 2.Modelo Early design? ‘ ‘ model used in the exploration of alternatives of architectures or strategies for the development interativo’ ‘. Used when the project did not start, but if it knows the requirements. 3.Modelo Post-architecture? used when the architecture of software to be developed is ready and if it has information detailed on the system, thus offering, greater precision in the estimates of cost. According to Boehm et al., 2000 apud Barcellos (2003), ‘ ‘ The process of accomplishment of estimates of software using COCOMO II can be summarized in four stages: (i) to determine model of the application; (II) to carry through estimates of effort; (III) to carry through estimates of stated period; (IV) to carry through estimates of custos’ ‘. For accomplishment of these stages which model of estimate COCOMO II must be verified is being used, in order to get the accomplishment of the adjusted mathematical calculations. 3 COST OF SOFTWARE IN the VISION OF DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGIES 3,1 RUP the Unified Process of the Rational (Rational Unified Process) is a process of software engineering created to assist the development of products of software guided objects, using UML (Unified Modeling Language).
(IRUP, 2011). The objective of the RUP is to provide the creation of a software with quality, that is, that it takes care of the necessities of the customer, aiming at to fulfill to a predetermined cronograma and a budget. To effect this control of cost/stated period, the activities are defined all, its respective responsible ones and when these will be carried through, with a description of all the development goals.