A fire detection system was installed in the National Park PIRIN in Bulgaria based on infrared technology. “In the framework of the project”Sustainable forestry and environmental protection by planting a forest fire early warning system and an information centre in the National Park PIRIN, Bulgaria”, financed by the Foundation European economic area (EEA Grants), was the fire detection system PYROLINE/PYROSOFT FDS” selected by DIAS infrared GmbH and installed. This system consists of three infrared cameras in the special weather-proof housing, paired with each a Visual camera. The weather-proof housing are mounted on Swivel Tilt Heads. The system is equipped with the corresponding control hardware and software. The units were mounted on extra 20 m built for this purpose high towers and follow the situation in the Park area of Vihren day and night without interruption”on an area of about 9000 ha. Is measured by the infrared cameras a higher temperature that exceeds a preset value, then one is Message to the control room in the administration of the National Park PIRIN, Bansko. There the signal is analyzed and, where appropriate, the fire is localized.
Together with the data of the weather stations, which are mounted on the towers, and the vegetation on the ground, the threat level for the spreading of the fire is determined. First tests have been successfully completed. The system was put into operation.