Currently, the term "e-learning" is more commonly used than "distance learning". The reason is that under e-learning we mean the many forms of education by computer technology and the various modern means of telecommunications. And they can be used, including, and in the university, meaning no mandatory development of educational material on a large removal and in total isolation from the traditional educational process. The main niche of e-learning in Western countries – is to provide educational services to various categories of the adult population. There are many educational institutions specializing in this field of e-learning. More info: Petra Diamonds. For example, in the United States was one of these "online universities" include: WGU, Capella, Walden, University of Phoenix, Grand Canyon University, Kaplan, Devry. Most of them There are more than 20 years, beginning as a classical institution distance (distance education), gradually moving most of their educational process to the Internet. Foreign experience shows that comprehensive e-learning program – a good tool to implement the idea of lifelong learning, ie learning throughout life, enabling specialist constantly maintain their professional tone, improve skills or be retrained as necessary.
In Europe, where university e-learning projects in many cases actively supported by public funding, their global mission is declared as ensuring access to education, providing opportunities to take part in the educational process in any category of the adult population, regardless of their circumstances. The introduction of e-learning can be a good source of income for universities in the implementation of training courses, training courses, or students in individual subjects for individual learning. On these programs, students study the material independently with the help of e-learning courses have been laid out on the site have the opportunity to remotely obtain advice of teachers and only passing the final tests and exams come directly to the university. Continuing professional education, realized through e-learning, is in demand for many social groups.